chapter 16

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I took Adam to Madam Tussaud's wax museum,where we had fun confusing real people for the Wax dolls.We spent about 2 hours there,lauging,confusing real people for wax dolls.Afterwards,we went next door to the Ripleys believe it or not museum(such a creepy place!You have got to go there sometime!).Then we walked around Time Square,watching people breakdance,or sing,or just act silly,period.

Around 7 pm,we were both starving and we stepped into a restaurant on 53rd street called La Giaconda.

"wow today has been amazing" Adam said with a big grin on his face as the waiter sat us down in the back of the restaurant.

I smiled,my cells buzzing with happyness,"I'm glad you enjoyed it.Now you can see why i'm homesick?"

He nodded,glancing at the menu,"Yeah.There's just so much to see here.Nothing like Piscataway."

I smiled to myself,picking up the menu,"Nothing like Piscataway."

Adam eyed the menu,"So many choices!I don't know what to order!"

"Order everything."I said playfully."Anyways,I'm starving and I could eat everything."

Adam looked amused as he gave me one of those smiles that could get my heart 

racing,"Well aren't you Upper East Side girls all into your figure and eat salad and what not?"

I rolled my eyes,"As you can see,I'm not like they typical Upper East Side girl.Never have been,never will be."

I expected him to respond with some sarcastic comment, but instead he gave me another small heart racing smile"I've noticed.I like that about you."

I didn't know what to say so I averted my eyes back to the menu,hoping my blushing face wouldn't give away how much his comment had pleased me.

He cleared his throat and said"I mean like,your not all into your looks or just care about fashion or whatever.You're not shallow."

I nodded"I know what you mean"I said even though I really didn't.

We ordered our food and I asked Adam,"So last night...where were you during the fight?"

He looked at me confused,"There was a fight last night?Between who?"

I looked down at the table,"Um,between Alexis,Hailey...and me."

He looked surprised,"You got into a fight?I expected that from the two but not from you.You're jsut so....calm."

I laughed,"Yeah well I got in between them since they were fighting over you."

He looked down at the table now,a flushed look over his head,"Wow,I don't know what to say...I was throwing up in the bathroom when that happened."

I tried not to laugh,as I pictured Adam hurling his guts out over the toilet and said,"Yeah well I tried to stop them,Alexis passed out,and Hailey slapped me,I slapped her back,she slapped me again and I threw her against the wall,where she passed out and then I passed out too."

He laughed loudly,causing the couple next to us to look over,"You threw Hailey against the wall!?That's hilarious!"

I laughed sheepishly,"Yeah well I guess I took out all my anger over what a bitch she's been to me this past month at that moment."

He shrugged,"Well,I'm embarrassed.I have never wanted any girls to get into a fight over me."

"Its pathetic."I said."No girl should ever fight with another girl over a guy.Guys aren't worth that much trouble."

He looked at me curiously,like he couldn't really absorb what I was saying,"Are you saying that if a guy would cheat on you,you wouldn't want to beat the shit out of the girl who he cheated with?"

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