chapter 21

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While Adam and Peter stayed chatting in the living room,I went upstairs to see my mother and ask her what was going on with her. She couldn't get divorced now. Not when I finally had Adam and we things were going our way.

I found her sitting up on her bed,just staring into space,all the lights off. "Hey mom,"I said softly,hoping the nightmare of Peter and mom getting divorced was just all in my head.

"Hey sweetie,"she gave me a soft,but distant smile that was all too familiar.

I pushed past the anxious knot forming in my throat,and sat on the edge of her bed,next to her,"What's wrong? "

She gave me a curious look,as if she didn't know what I was talking about,"What do you mean, sweetie? "

I swallowed hard,and decided to be honest once and for all,"You're doing it again."

Another I-don't-know-what-your're-talking-about look,"Doing what?"

"You're acting weird again!"I exclaimed,causing her to be surprised at my outburst,"You always act this way a few days before you file for divorce!"

She pursed her lips and stayed silent. I stared at her,waiting for her to open up to me and tell me what happened in NYC,or to tell me what was causing her to suddenly back out in all her marriages. But instead, she gave me a dismissive smile and said,"I don't know what you mean honey. But don't worry about Peter and me."

I stared at her in disbelief,"Whatever mom." I got up and walked out,shutting the door hard behind me. I walked into my bedroom and shut the door,flopping down on my bed,hot tears threatening to spill.

"Miss me?" Adam said in that low,husky voice that gave me goosebumps.

I practically fell off my bed,scared,"Adam!Oh my God,you scared me!"

He laughed and flopped down on bed next to me,kissing my neck gently.

As much as I wanted to keep going,I had to take proper precautions. I couldn't risk getting caught now,when I was positive mom was considering divorcing Peter. Us getting caught would definitely make up my mom's mind.

"Did you lock the door?" I whispered,pulling back.

Adam groaned and jumped off the bed to lock my door. When he lied back down,he said quietly, "I can't wait for the day that you and I don't have to hide anymore."

I layed my head on his chest and sighed. I was debating whether or not to tell Adam about my mother. Maybe he could talk some sense to her.

But then I decided against it. Maybe I was just paranoid that I finally got what I wanted and that I was scared of losing it.

Adam kissed my forehead and asked,"Is something wrong? You seem kind of tense."

"No...nothing's wrong." I lied.

He pulled me up,so that our faces were meeting and he gave me a deep kiss,that got my heart racing and helped me for a second forget that this new beginning with Adam,could maybe soon come to an end.

A few days passed and the situation with mom and Peter didn't seem to get any better,yet it wasn't getting worst either. It's not like they were fighting,but they weren't all lovey dovey like they usually were.

Although I decided to fool myself and think that maybe they were just going through a rough patch. All married couples go through that and I was sure mom and Peter would surpass this.

Not that I wasn't busy myself.

The nights were too short for the time Adam and I spent together, holding each other, kissing,and just talking about everything. He never got bored of me and I knew I would never get tired of him.

That night,we were laying on a spare mattress they had in the attic,that I had covered with silk sheets (after having Adam inspect for any nasty spiders).

I was laying with my head underneath his jaw,my leg in between his,and our arms wrapped around each other. This attic looked as if it were talking right out a scary movie,but laying here in Adam's arms,I couldn't feel any safer.

"So,how many boyfriends have you had?" Adam asked,his lips trailing across my forehead.

I sighed. Time for the moment of truth where I told Adam that all my life boys ran away from me as though I had leprosy.

He let out a soft chuckle, "That many?That you have to sigh because you can't even remember the amount?"

I chuckled, "What,no! I've actually...never had a boyfriend."

He stayed silent. Finally he said,"Why not?"

I shrugged,"Boys never really found me attractive. Not that I blame them since I looked worst than a homeless person."

"I loved your tomboy look though.".He said,"Although I do love how you actually wear dresses now."he finished off in that sexy,husky voice.

I smiled to myself,"Really? Because I recall you saying something otherwise on the night of our parent's wedding."

He groaned,"God,how I wish I could turn back time and correct all the times I was a total deuch. ""

I sat up and kissed his forehead, "don't worry about it. What matters is now."

He pulled me down and squeezed me tight against him,causing me to giggle loudly,'Well if it's one thing,I'm glad no other guy got his filthy hands on you."

I smiled,"Why, would you be jealous if I had had ex boyfriends? "

"Yes!"he exclaimed, "I can't stand the thought of you being with anyone else."

I kissed his left cheek,feeling light stubble under my lips,"Well lucky for you,I'm only yours."

He smiled"And I'm all yours too. "

"After you were Hailey's and who know how many other girls."I mumbled jealously. I wasn't gonna be that type of jealous girlfriend,but I couldn't help it at that second,and anyways,Adam startes it.

Adam let out a little chuckle."It's cute that you're jealous. But besides Hailey,I've only had two previous grlfriends. And just like Hailey,they both meant nothing." He kissed my forehead and I felt my jealousy melting away,"Your the one who has my heart,Serena. And you always will."

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