chapter 14

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Hey everyone!!As you can see,I changed the actor playing Adam from Sean O'Pry to Sean Faris!!I got a few messages telling me that Sean Faris seemed more fit to be Adam and I had to agree!!Either or,both are extremely hot so I'm happy either way :D


If you're a tourist and you're shopping in 5th avenue for the first time,it can be a bit overwhelming for the fact that you see celebrities in almost everysingle store.And the worst part is,that you have to keep it cool and pretend like they're normal people,because they really don't want to be bothered.

And obviously my mom forgot to tell Hailey this rule.

"Oh my that Paris Hilton!"She exclaimed when we entererd Louis Vuitton.

She went running over to her as Adam and I stood there laughing,and my mom gave us a dirty look to stop.

"Why didn't you tell her that she just can't go harass celebrities like that?"I asked my mom.

She gave me her'be nice' look,"Because I'm sure Paris Hilton won't mind."

Actually,she looked kinda annoyed as she signed Hailey's shirt,but Hailey didn't seem to notice since she came back with a big grin on her face,"I got her signature!!"

My mom smiled politely,but I wondered,if she was starting to think bringing Hailey along was a mistake.

Shopping for 4 hours non stop without sitting down had my legs aching,and my patience was slowly leaving.

"I hate your girlfriend.Just thought you should know."I said annoyed to Adam as Hailey went to try on a dress.She tried on every single thing my mom told her to.

Adam smiled,"Don't worry.She hates you too."

I yawned and Adam said,"You can lean on me if you want."

I looked at him suspiciously,"You sure you won't pull away or anything so that I fall to the floor?"

He chuckled,"Nope,promise."

I leaned against his arm,my head barely above  his shoulder,since I was wearing my chanel sneakers and jeans.

His arm was so strong,and warm,that I couldn't help but remember when they were around my body.The way they were wrapped tight around my body and how he would pull me closer everytime I would step away.

I sighed.Why did I bother daydreaming.

"I think we're done here."Mom said,"I have to get home now anyways.I need to get ready for the Goulding's party."

Oh my God,I had completly forgotten about Jake's party tonight.

"Hey,are we still going to that party?"Adam asked me,as though he had read my mind.

I shrugged,"If you want to,then sure."

"Ok,"he said.

"These parties are nothing like you're parties though."I began to tell him,"People don't just get drunk."

"They do drugs too?"

I nodded."Yes."

"Well I'll pass on the drugs but not on the drinking."

I smiled at him,"You drink?!"I faked shocked,"I always assumed you didn't even go to parties and just spent time in your bedroom listening to George Michael."

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