Chapter 35: Davy

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I leave Caspian to draw, going out into the market just to explore.

"Davy?" A voice calls out to me from the alleyway. "Davy, is that you?"

I try to pinpoint the source of the voice. The buildings create a shadow so dark it's nearly impossible to see into the alley.

"Who's there?" I risk taking a few steps toward the dark.

"It's me, Cora!" She steps into full view. Her hair is matted and covered in dirt, and she's got a big bruise where she was hit the other day. Her dress is dirty and torn.

"Cora! You're back!" I don't want to believe that she's actually here. It can't be that simple. "How- how did you get here?"

"I escaped. Salvatore was sleeping and I made a run for it. I barely managed to get past the guards."

"Well, it's a good thing you're back now!" I can't stop the laughter from spilling out of my chest.

"Is Eetu okay?"

"He was when I left."

"Can I see him?" She's so hopeful. Her eye light up, but there's more than just Coraene in there now. I can't explain it, but it makes me uneasy.

"Yeah, of- of course you can. Come on."  I wave for her to follow me. "Did Salvatore hurt you or do anything to you?"

"I don't think so. I mean, I don't feel any different."

"Best let Rhys take a look at you regardless. And maybe Zephrine."

"What, why Zephrine? I'm fine, Davy." Coraene is all but ripping my throat out with her tone.

I step back, bumping into a shopper passing by. "Cora, I was just asking. No need to get so defensive."

"Well, maybe I'm just fed up with you prying when you should be taking me to my husband, hmm?"

"Right..." It takes all I have not for me to run back to the castle. I have to warn Caspian, no, he won't be able to do anything. I- I'm powerless.

"Are you alright? You look a little startled." She looms over me ominously, despite being shorter than me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just going to tell the King and Queen that you're back."

"I can do that myself."

"I thought you wanted to see Eetu?"

"I can do both, Davy." She rolls her eyes.

We walk the rest of the way in silence until we're standing outside the Great Hall.

Coraene stops me. "Look, I know you're a little uneasy now, but I promise you, if you voice your concerns to anyone, I'll rip your precious love's little head straight off."

"What?" I'm hallucinating, that's it. She wouldn't hurt Ann- Caspian- she wouldn't hurt him, would she? "I- I don't understand."

"Good. Besides, do you really think they'd take your word over mine? A lowly serving boy with an overblown reputation because the prince is fawning over him? Please. Do us all a favor and leave. Go on, run to Cas with your tail between you legs." She pushes past me, and I stumble back into the wall, hitting my shoulder rather painfully.

"Cora, what did he do to you?" I whisper as I run back upstairs. My shoulder is throbbing, but I ignore that.

"Davy, what happened? You look like ass." Caspian stands from his desk as soon as I enter the room. He's got ink across his wrists and along his forehead.

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