Chapter 20: Coraene

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I finish stitching the hem of a dress together, cutting the thread while Eetu watches me from behind. He holds all of my tools. I give him the needle and wipe my brow.

Standing up, I head to the back of my little station, toward the shelves and Eetu follows.

"I never realized how much work goes into creating clothes. You really are incredible, Cora." He comes up behind me and gives me a hug.

"Thank you." I reach up and stroke his cheek. "But guess what? You are going to be my apprentice."

"Am I now? Well, what do I need to do?"

"You're excited. That's good. You can start by getting me some lace, please. The light green one with the floral pattern."

"On it!" He barely has to lean over me to reach it. "Here you are, my Lady. Light green lace with a floral pattern, as you requested." He still has one arm wrapped around my waist.

"Thank you. Next, I need you to take this," I take the measuring tape from my neck and stand on my toes to loop it over Eetu's, "and go measure the waist, bust, and hem of that dress."

"Quick question? What's a bust and how do you measure it?" He asks as I begin to walk away with the lace.

"It's..." I think of how best to phrase it. I come back to his side and put my hands on his pectoral muscles, "it's this, but on women. And you measure it like this. Arms up." I wrap the tape under his armpits, across his shoulder blades, and back to where I started. I pinch the end and release, showing him the length of tape that represents his "bust."

"Okay, I think I've got it." He takes the tape from me and kisses my hairline. "I'll be right back."

I roll out how much lace I think I'll need while Eetu measures. I've etched into my table the measurements on my tape, so when Eetu calls the numbers out, I cut along the line I need. I add an extra two inches to each number.

"Hand me some pins, please." I hold out my hand. The cold metal is gently placed into my palm and I pull out a little ball Anna and I made of sand and leather. I stick the pins into the ball and loop it onto my belt. Taking a few pins, I pin the lace to the areas I think would fit best.

"I'll get you something to eat." Eetu disappears around the corner while I position and reposition everything. I eventually get everything how I want it and begin stitching it on. As I'm threading the needle, it slips and sticks into my finger.

"Shit!" I cry out louder than I meant to, picking the needle out of the skin. Already there's a bead of blood forming.

"Cora!" Eetu comes bolting out from the kitchen. "Are you okay?" He kneels at my side.

"Just pricked myself, that's all. I just need to clean my finger and the needle and I'll be fine."

"That's a bit of blood." He takes my hand and turns it, palm up so he can examine my finger. He reaches for the sleeve of his shirt and begins to tear.

"Woah, woah." I grab his wrist to stop him. "I didn't cut my finger off. I just pricked it. Besides, as a seamstress, seeing you rip your clothes is painful. Unless, of course, you're ripping them off."

"We can do that later. But are you sure you're okay?"

I can feel my pulse in my finger, but I place my thumb on top and squeeze down. "It's an occupational hazard. Kind of like how you could get a concussion with your knightly duties. And I will be holding you to your word tonight."

"Well, now I'm excited."

"Don't get too excited. We're still at work." I laugh as he leans in to kiss me. I let our lips stay together for a minute before I break away. "This dress needs to get finished, Eetu. But I promise, I'll make up for lost time."

He sighs, but looks at me with a bright, boyish sparkle in his eyes. I give him a smile before I continue to stitch, with a fresh needle of course. Eetu sits next to me, refusing to leave in case I hurt myself again.

When I finally get the lace attached and adding some little embellishments along the hem, I decide that I can stop.

As I round the corner to the kitchen, I'm greeted by Eetu, who finally decided to leave me about two hours ago.

He takes me by the hand and presses me up against the wall, towering over me.

"I believe we had something to continue?" He whispers as he begins to kiss the side of my neck, right in the crease leading to my shoulder.

I giggle a bit, but I don't resist his touch. His hands move up and down my waist until he picks me up and lets me wrap my legs around his hips. This is the only time I can actually look him straight in the eye without him having to look down.

His movements are clear,  letting me know exactly what he wants, and I happily oblige, kissing him with the same intensity that he kissed me. He slides me out of my dress so that I'm in my undergarments. I pull his shirt off and toss it to the side as he pins me against the wall again.

"Should we at least eat dinner first?" I ask as he begins to move toward the bedroom. 

"Do you want to?" He stops, his soft, curious eyes searching me carefully. "We- we can if you want to."

"Well, we don't want to be eating cold food." I shrug, hands coming to a rest on his shoulders.

"Of course, my Lady." Eetu smiles as he sets me back on my feet. "But we will continue this, yes?" He takes my hand and kisses it gently.

"It would be cruel of me to refuse you, wouldn't it?" I chuckle and lead him back into the kitchen.

Caspian JonesWhere stories live. Discover now