Chapter 9: Caspian

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"The plans are done!" Anna smiles as she dumps three large scrolls on the table in front of us. "You guys settle on one, and we'll start working."

It's been about a week since Anna took us in. She's not as bad as I previously thought she was, though she still fawns over Davy. She's insisting that she does all the laundry, cleaning, and cooking, though Davy and I are more than willing and capable.

"Thank you." I grab the first one and Davy joins me at my side, looking over my right shoulder. Anna nods, and leaves the room to hang our clothes out to dry. Her neat handwriting in the bottom displays the cost of the ship accompanied by a little comment.

"Cost: 1990 gold pieces. A little pricey, but I think this one will work."

The second one has a note similar to the first:

"Cost: 1790 gold pieces. Not too bad, still a little high, but we can do it!"

And the third:

"Cost: 1500 gold pieces. This one is just a little too cheap, but I promise it'll be high quality."

"What do you think?" Davy's lips barely tickle the top of my ear when he talks.

"I was going to ask you the same question." I laugh, pulling option one closer to get another look. "This one's huge, which would make it harder to maneuver." Option two. "It's just the right size for three people, I like the steering mechanics, but that is a lot of money." Option three. "A little cramped, but affordable."

"Anna?" I call to her. She pokes her head out of the bedroom.


"What do you think? For the ship?"

"Oh, that's up to you guys."

"You're part of the crew, too." I wave her over. "This is a crew decision. We need everyone to agree on this."

Anna, perplexed as she is, saddles up to my left. "I personally like the second one. It's perfect for you."

"For us." I correct.

"Us." She says the word tentatively. She shakes her head, then continues. "I'm sure we can get the money, we'll just have to build in bits and pieces."

"Does this change the timeframe?"

"Not by too much. If we work from dawn to dusk everyday, taking an hour for lunch, we'd be right on track."

A knock on the door makes us all jump, and Davy nearly spills his water over the blueprints. I manage to pull them away before anything happens.

I poke my head out of the window, and all I need to see is a flash of a violet cape and silver chain mail. I duck down, breath caught in my throat.

"What is it?" Anna rushes to my side.

"My brother." I shake violently. "My brother and his knights."

"Anyone home?" Eetu's voice carries through the closed door all the way upstairs.

"Just a second!" Anna calls down. "What do I do?"

"He's asking for us. Just tell him you don't know us." I run my hands through my hair.


"Please, I can't go back to Yna. I just... can't."

She nods and disappears downstairs. Davy and I follow, peeking around the corner as much as we dare.

"Good morning, miss." Eetu smiles warmly at Anna.

"Sir." She nods. "To what do I owe this visit?"

"It's my brother, Caspian. He left a note that he was leaving Yna, this was one of the kingdoms he said he'd go."

"You're asking me if I've seen him?" Anna raises an eyebrow.


I pray silently that Anna won't say anything.

"I haven't seen him. It's just been me here." She answers just quick enough to raise Eetu's suspicion.

"Could I take a quick look around?" He asks, eyes traveling up the stairs. Davy and I duck out of view and clasp our hands over our mouths less that half a second before he does so.

"Quick!" I grab Davy by the collar of his shirt and we carefully clear our plates off the table, leaving one for Anna.

"I guess-" Anna's voice draws out long enough for us to grab the scrolls and dash back out into the hall.

Eetu nods, and Anna steps aside. Luckily, he takes to the downstairs first. Davy and I get on our toes and slink along the walls to the bedroom. We kick our makeshift bed under Anna's. Then I stuff Davy and the scrolls down there.

He reaches out a hand, and just as I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, Davy pulls me under. It's so cramped that I've practically got to wrap my body around Davy's to make sure the sheets don't spill out the sides. We keep our hands over our mouths, though we're barely breathing as the footfalls get louder, coming toward the bedroom.

Anna's boots come into view first, then Eetu's. The wardrobe opens, and Eetu's frustrated grunt fills the room instead.

Anna gently pokes Davy with her boot. She then stands protectively by our side. "Is that all?" She sounds slightly irritated. "I have work to get to."

"What, like sewing?" Eetu barks at her. "I apologize, that didn't come out right."

"For your information, sire, I'm actually the head smith in Iraya."

"Yes, of course." Eetu's voice, ashamed, casts down into the floorboards. "I'll leave you to it, miss."

"I do hope you find your brother." Anna's words get quieter as she follows Eetu out the door.

A minute or two passes before she yells back, "They're gone!"

I let out a heavy sigh, pulling myself out from under the bed.

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