Chapter 22: Anna

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I finish threading the sails into the masts and call down to the four down below, "I think we're all good! Cas, could you test the sails real quick?"

Caspian screams back up, "On it!" He pulls one of the ropes and I duck as the sail comes flying my way.

"I think she's good to go!" I smile as Caspian and Eetu help me back onto the deck. "Let's take her for a test ride!"

Caspian nods and he and Davy run up to the sterncastle deck. Eetu, Coraene and I pull up the anchor and hold on as a sharp jolt nearly knocks us all flat on our backs. We hear Caspian apologize as we slowly inch toward the water.

I catch a glance back at Caspian. I've never seen him so excited. His eyes are sparkling with childlike wonder, and he's got the smallest smile playing on his lips. Davy is proudly beaming beside him, but then he sees me, and gives me a thumbs up.

I return the gesture as the full ship enters the water, creeping its way along until we've cleared the shallow waters. We sail for an hour or two, until Cirn is a flat line on the horizon, then turn back to come ashore.

Caspian is sweating buckets as he orders us to throw the anchor down. When he sees that we've successfully made it back, he starts to laugh hysterically as Davy plants a kiss on his cheek.

We all celebrate our return. Davy and Caspian come back to the main deck to tackle me in a group hug, and Coraene and Eetu share a quick kiss.

"I think a trip to the tavern is in order." Eetu is grinning ear to ear as he scoops his brother up in his arms and ruffles his hair.

"Who could say no to getting drunk?" Caspian responds. He turns to Coraene. "You'll like him when he's drunk."

"I'm sure I will." She laughs and comes up to my side while the boys laugh and joke. "You seem upset." She whispers.

"What, why would I be upset? The boat works perfectly. It sails like a dream."

"Not this ship. That one." She points to Caspian and Davy, who are proudly presenting how much they care for each other. "You like him, don't you?"

"It doesn't matter. He likes him. And I'm happy for them."

"Are you, though? Or are you just telling yourself that so you don't feel so bad?"

"I am happy. Look at them. See how much they love each other? I'm nothing more than his friend. Now can we please drop this?"

"Okay, okay. I can't say I blame you though. Those Quillsnake boys are charming." She stares lovingly at Eetu.

"Wait, what?" I look at her in pure confusion. "No, not Cas. I was talking about Davy. Cas doesn't even like women."

Davy glances back and smiles at us, waving us over to the railing so we can leave for the tavern.

"My Lady." Eetu takes Coraene by the hand, gently lifts her up to sit on his waist, and slides down the rope until his boots come in contact with the sand.

"That's absolutely disgusting." Caspian rolls his eyes as he meets his brother.

"Hey, just because you're not into it, doesn't mean the rest of us can't enjoy it." Eetu teases.

"Anna?" Davy reaches out his hand. When I take it, he performs the same maneuver as Eetu. Being this close to him, breathing in his scent, almost feels like a betrayal to Caspian. But what makes me feel worse is that I'm not even attempting to resist the feeling.

"Thank you." I'm almost breathless by the time we reach the sand. Davy is pulled away from me by Caspian, and all five of us make our way to the tavern.

Four people in love and Anna.

Caspian JonesWhere stories live. Discover now