Chapter 6: Eetu

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"What?!" My father jumps out of his seat.

"He just sailed away. Took the kitchen boy with him, too." I try to explain, but he cuts me off.

"Then why are you here? Send your men to find him."

"We don't know where he went!"

"Allenja, Amion, Cirn, all of them, go! Find Caspian and don't let the knights come home until they do."

"No one else knows how to sail."

"Someone has to. Yna's a big kingdom." My father rubs his face. "Try not to bring this up to Zephrine. She's already waking up in cold sweats. I don't think she can handle someone else in our family dying."

"Yes, father." I stand and bow my head. As I'm moving to leave, I stop, looking back at my father.

"You're not to go with the knights." He says quietly.

"What? Caspian is my brother. I'm not allowed to go after him now? Then why could I last time?"

"Last time, he was still in Yna."

I nod, adjust my jacket, and head through the doors into the square. Sir Harvey and the men are practicing marching.

"Left! Reynolds, stay in step!" Sir Harvey yells, though he really could have just spoken.

"Harvey!" I draw them all to attention. "We're to search the surrounding kingdoms for Caspian. Amion, Allenja, Cirn, all of them."

"None of us know how to sail." Sir Reynolds barks.

"Unfortunately, I didn't make the rules. The King did. One third of you are assigned to Allenja, one third to Amion, and the last to Cirn. I'll be joining the Cirn group. When you get to shore, find the royal town, ask for an audience with the king and/or queen. State your case, then stay until Caspian is found."

"What about the kitchen boy? Didn't he leave with Caspian?" Sir Harvey pipes up.

"He's unimportant. I guess, if he's still alive, try to bring him back as well, but Caspian is our top priority."

The knights nod, then run to prepare everything. A good hour later, we're ready to go.

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