Chapter 27: Caspian

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"There it is, ladies." Davy gestures to the coast of Yna, which is now fully in view.

After sailing for two weeks, we've finally reached Yna.

I barely look up from the map book and sketch the shape of the land.

"It's so pretty!" Coraene calls out. I raise my hand and point to the left, and she pulls the rope on the sail, shifting our trajectory ever so slightly.

Mountaintops peek out over the forests, which clear away just a few hundred feet to make enough room for a white-sanded beach. I suppose it is majestic in some way.

"It's not a bad view." Anna joins Coraene at her side.

Davy, Eetu, and I all share a glance and start laughing. This is our home, we've grown so used to it that seeing the girls' reaction is absolutely priceless.

"Well, we can't just stare at it all day." I turn the wheel to the right as I feel the water getting more and more shallow. "Brace yourselves guys, we're about to come ashore."

"Should we hide the boat so bandits don't steal it?" Eetu ties down a few loose ropes and readies himself to drop the anchor.

"There's a little cave up here that I should be able to get is into." I feel Davy's presence behind me, waiting for my command to switch the sails.

Up ahead, there's a black mass just barely big enough to fit the ship inside. We somehow, smoothly glide into it, using the light of day behind us to guide us.

Once the anchor is down, I wait for my eyes to adjust to the darkness enough to scale the side until my feet splash into the water blow me.

"Come on down, guys!" I call up. I catch Coraene and Anna first, then Eetu and Davy, both of them carrying the food and water.

Once we're all on land, we enter the light of day, squinting from the blinding sun.

"What do you think, Eetu? Think we continue straight east or go south?"

"Straight east. There's a path between these mountains the knights and I have take before. It should get us to Viâna faster. Five to seven days at most."

"Alright. Let's go."

The five of us start our journey, continuing on until we reach the beginning mountain trail Eetu mentioned before. All of us are sore and our feet are on fire by the time the moon takes place of the sun, so we set up camp.

Once we get the fire going, I lean against Davy's shoulder and sigh. We're sharing a bowl of soup, as are Coraene and Anna. Eetu is the only one who has a full bowl to himself. I haven't eaten more than two bites.

"Cas, are you okay?" Eetu sets his empty bowl down.

"Just a little anxious." I force myself to choke down another spoonful. My body wants to reject it, but it knows it needs the nutrients, so it keeps it there.

"Don't worry. You've got four people right here ready to fight away anyone who tries to hurt you." Coraene smiles at me. She and Anna have finished their soup as well.

"Thanks." I grit my teeth and finish the soup. After a minute or two, my body thanks me. I close my eyes and let Davy's breathing lull me to sleep.

"Cas, time to go." Davy shakes me awake. I'm greeted by the morning sun, rising just enough to light our way.

Eetu is just putting out the fire by the time I'm on my feet, ready to continue on.

Each day, the anxious feeling in my gut grows stronger, I'm not hungry, but I still eat. Not tired, but I still sleep. Not thirsty, but I still drink.

Caspian JonesWhere stories live. Discover now