Chapter 31: Caspian

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"Are you ready for this?" I ask Eetu as he slips on his nice jacket. Davy, my father and uncle, and I are hanging out with Eetu before he's officially wed.

"I'm positive. I love Cora. She's amazing." Eetu fusses with his hair in the looking glass. "Cas, you've got yourself a catch, too. Wanna make this a double wedding?"

Davy and I glow about as red as Coraene's hair.

"Someday." Davy leans against one of the support pillars. I'm sat at his feet.

It's been three weeks since we've arrived in Yna. I'm watching my brother promise his life to the one he loves more than anyone else in the world.

I wish I had that kind of confidence.

"Now, boys." My father shakes Davy's shoulder a little bit. "Cas, are you sure you're fine with being in public like this?"

I think back to everything Eetu's done for me, every insult he's taken for me, every time he had to leave his friends because of me. "Yeah. Just sit me in the middle, away from either end, and I'll be okay."

"You sure? We could sit you up top, where no one could see you?" Eetu squats down to look at me.

"Don't worry about me. Today is about you."

"Speaking of which, the citizens are all assembled. Time for us to make an entrance." Uncle Rhys opens up the door, and we all file out into the hallway.

"Cas, hold up." Eetu calls me back.

"Oh, okay." I let the others walk ahead. Davy comes back to me. "Davy, it's okay, you can go save us a seat."

Davy reluctantly leaves, joining everyone else.

"Okay, what's up?" I turn back to my brother.

"I just wanted to say, that it means a lot to me that you stayed here in Yna and that you're still here." He rubs the back of his neck. "So, thank you."

"Hey, you would do the same for me." I shrug, though I can't help the smile plastered to my face. Eetu is still a little unsure, so I do what he does to calm me down. "I love you, man."

"I'm so nervous." He confesses through laughter.

"You're going to do great. Now, get on in there. It's not traditional for the bride to wait on her groom."

We enter the Hall together, parting ways when I see Davy. I give Eetu one last reassuring glance before weaving my way through the knights to reach Davy.

Not even a minute after we finally sit down, Coraene enters the room, flanked on either side by Anna, my mother, and my Aunt Lian. Everyone in the crowd stands, watching Coraene make her way down the isle.

She really did a good job on her dress. It hugs her tight, defining each curve of her body, yet seems to flow so elegantly. The white lace compliments her bright red hair perfectly.

Eetu must think so, too. He's trying hard not to cry, but a few tears slip out.

The ceremony is short and sweet, I find myself drawing little waves on the back of Davy's hand, trying to calm myself down. I should feel safer surrounded by at least four knights in any direction, but I don't.

Sometime while I find myself spacing out, the crowd erupts into cheers. I snap myself out of my stupor, taking in my environment once more. Anna winks at Coraene, who's clutching onto her new husband.

Everything is going great. So great that I almost don't trust it. There's a man's silhouette outside the colored glass windows, but no one else seems to notice. I nudge Davy in the side with my elbow and nod my head toward the man. Just in time, too.

Not even two seconds after Davy looks up, the man disappears.

"It's probably fine, Cas." Davy reassures me. I keep my eye trained on where I saw it, but Davy turns back to watch the wedding.

"Yeah..." I bite back my old friend anxiety and try to enjoy the rest of the show. I should be happy for Eetu, but I can't help but feel that this will not go down as smoothly as I had hoped. "Davy, what if something happens?"

"Cas, I promise you, nothing is going to happen." Davy takes my face in his hands. His voice is so calming, I let it slip into my subconscious, push my fear aside. It feels like a warm blanket after walking out in the cold. A fresh shirt after you step out of the bath.

I'm falling back into a relaxed state, and Davy smiles again. That's good.

While Coraene is in the middle of her coronation, the man's shadow appears again. My heart stops beating as I reach over to Davy.

"Cas, stay close to me for the rest of the day, okay?"

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