Chapter 34

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- Jenn's P.O.V - 

'Jenn,' I heard a voice. 'Jenn, sweetie, you need to wake up now.'

My eyes fluttered open to see Josh standing over me. He smiled at me as I stretched my arms and returned his smile.

'Morning,' I yawned. 'What time is it?'

'Well, it's not morning anymore,' Josh said, gesturing to the alarm clock that sat on the bedside table next to me.

I turned to look at the clock which read 2:27pm. I gasped and looked at Josh.

'Why didn't you wake me earlier?!' I asked. 'We were meant to be on set at 8 o'clock this morning!'

'Shhh,' Josh reassured me, stroking my hair. 'Jenn, it's ok. Gary heard about what happened yesterday so he decided to let us have a few days off to recover. He wants us to avoid the press too.'

I flashed him an apologetic smile. 'Oh, ok. Sorry for yelling,' I said. 'Thank you, Josh.'

Josh reciprocated my smile and grabbed on to my hand. 'While it's a bit late for breakfast, I've ordered some Chinese food for lunch and it should be here soon, so let's go downstairs.'

As if on command, my stomach growled at the thought of food and while I didn't feel like getting out of bed, the promise of Chinese food sweetened the deal. 'Hmm, yes, food sounds great right now.'

Josh laughed and pulled me downstairs and into the lounge room.

I sat on the couch and flicked through the channels on the TV while Josh answered the door.

'I come bearing food,' Josh smiled as he sat next to me on the couch and handed me my food.

'Ahh Josh, you really are the perfect boyfriend,' I sighed. 'You wake me up in the afternoon and you buy me food. I've hit the jackpot.'

Josh laughed. 'You're not too bad yourself,' he said.

'Thanks Josh,' I said with a hint of sarcasm. 'Our relationship means a lot to me too.'

Josh laughed again. 'I couldn't really do that much better than you, Jenn,' he said honestly and placed his hand on my knee.

I put my hand on top of his and squeezed it while looking into his eyes. There was a brief pause before I spoke. 'I know,' I said, and burst out laughing.

'Shut up and eat your food,' he laughed along with me and turned to face the TV.

After a few minutes of eating in silence and watching Toddlers and Tiaras, I suddenly turned to face Josh.

'I think we should tell people,' I said.

'Wait, what?' Josh asked, turning to face me.

'I think we should tell people about us,' I repeated.

'Really?' Josh asked as a shocked expression crossed his face. 'Should we tell them everything or that we're just dating.'

I thought for a minute. 'I think that perhaps we should skip the details about Nick, for the sake of his and our privacy.'

'Ok,' Josh agreed. He looked excited. 'We should talk to our publicists first, but I'm totally on board.'

Seeing his smile and his excitement at the prospect of outing us as a couple warmed my heart. 'I love you, Josh,' I smiled.

'I love you too, Jenn,' he smiled back.


'Jennifer! Are you and Josh officially dating?'

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