Chapter 12

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- Jennifer's P.O.V -

I pushed Sam away from me and turned towards Josh. Josh strode across the room to where Sam and I sat and punched Sam in the face. Sam fell off the bed and just lay on the ground, groaning.

'Josh!' I stuttered. 'It's... It's not what it looked like.'

He turned to face me and he looked disgusted. 'I can't believe this...' he almost whispered. 'All this time I was worrying about whether you'd be able to trust me given my reputation, yet here you go and cheat on me.'

I stood up and Josh turned away to leave but I ran towards him and grabbed his arm.

'Josh,' I said but he tried to turn away. I softly cupped his face with my hand and turned him back to me. 'I just peeked into your room to look at your art when Sam came up behind me and came in here. He was drunk and kind of stumbling around so I sat him down on your bed to steady him and then he told me he loved me and kissed me. I was in such shock that I didn't have time to react immediately but as you saw, I pushed him away. I promise you I didn't kiss him Josh. He kissed me and I didn't kiss him back.'

Josh didn't say anything but he continued to rest his head against my hand. He looked so hurt. 'Josh?' I pleaded. 'Please believe me.'

'Ok,' he said. 'I trust you, but I don't trust him.' Josh gestured to Sam.

He walked over to where Sam was lying on the ground. 'Get up,' Josh said bluntly.

Sam groaned again and struggled to get up. His face was bleeding and he was still drunk and confused. Josh grabbed his arm, pulled him to his feet and roughly grabbed him by the collar.

'Don't you ever pull that kind of shit again,' Josh warned Sam harshly, but quietly. 'Now I'll drive you home, but I don't ever want to see you put your hands on Jenn again.'

Sam half nodded but he looked quite absent. 'I'll clean up his face,' I offered to Josh. 'I don't want him to look like this when he gets home.'

'Ok,' Josh allowed. 'But I want to be present.'

'No problem,' I said. 'Can you make him a coffee. We'd better sober him up.'

Josh nodded and led Sam and I downstairs into the kitchen. I grabbed some paper towel and an ice pack and started cleaning the blood off Sam's face. Josh made a coffee and handed it to Sam.

'Hurry up and drink it,' he said to Sam coldly.

'Josh?' I asked.

'Hmmm?' he replied.

'Can you please drop me home too?' I asked. 'I appreciate you having me over and everything but I think I've had enough excitement for one evening. Sam lives in the house across from mine so you won't be going far out of your way.'

'Ok,' Josh said sadly. 'I'm sorry this happened tonight. I just wanted to have a good time tonight and for everyone to get along, but I guess that was too much to hope for.'

'No, Josh,' I said, abandoning cleaning up Sam to comfort Josh. 'It's not your fault this happened, don't blame yourself.' I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tip toes to peck his lips.

As we pulled apart, he put his hands around my waist and pulled me closer. Our lips connected again and he pulled me so that my body was right up against his. We finally drew apart to breathe.

'We should probably go,' I said, gesturing to Sam.

'Yep, sure,' Josh said. 'Come on, Sam.'

Josh informed the others of what was happening and he lead us out to his car. It took us 10 minutes to get home and it was about 8:30pm when Josh pulled up in front of my house. Sam was more sober when he got out of the car and trudged back to his house, looking ashamed and embarrassed.

Josh walked me to my door. 'I'm sorry for how things went tonight,' he said sadly.

'It's not your fault,' I repeated. 'Although, what did you say to Jake when you dropped him home.'

'I just told him to keep it in his pants and that he wasn't welcome in our group anymore,' Josh explained. 'But I think he was too drunk to understand anything I said.'

'Perhaps I shouldn't hang out with your group anymore,' I suggested. 'I seem to cause too many problems.'

Josh caressed my face with his hands. 'Don't think like that, Jenn,' he said, smiling sweetly. 'It's their fault that they can't control themselves around you. I mean, you're so beautiful and desirable but they have to know what's right and what's wrong.'

'Ok,' I smiled back.

'Plus, despite everything, they actually like having you around,' Josh added. 'You know, as a friend.'

'That's good then,' I said. 'Before meeting you, Sam was really my only friend.'

A look of anger flashed across Josh's face. 'Well, he better stay that way.'

'Of course it will,' I confirmed.

Josh pulled me close and our lips met again. He kissed me with passion and I felt a warm feeling deep inside me. He pulled me closer like earlier and we wrapped our arms around each other. After a minute or so, we pulled apart and he rested his forehead against mine.

'I think we should end it here,' Josh smiled. 'I don't want to get too excited.' He winked at me and we laughed.

'Goodnight, Josh,' I giggled, playfully slapping his arm.

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