Chapter 27

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- Josh's P.O.V -

'Talk about what?' I asked, slowly.

'You've become so...' Jenn paused. 'Jealous, lately.'

'Me?!' I almost yelled. 'Jealous of them?! Please.'

'You feel threatened!' she responded, raising her voice.

'No, I don't trust them!' I shouted back. 'I want to protect you from getting hurt and I want to protect our relationship!'

'They aren't going to hurt me!' she retalliated. 'We're just friends.'

'You may think that, but they mightn't!' I yelled. 

Jenn sat on her bed and buried her face in her hands. 'I don't know what to say, Josh,' she said quietly. 'Nothing I say is going to convince you that I can just be friends with these guys.'

I sat beside her on the bed. I didn't sit as close as I usually would. What was going to happen? Was Jenn going to dump me? She opened her mouth to speak but I quickly interrupted her.

'Jenn, how would you feel if I was hanging out with a group of attractive girls at UofL?' I asked. 'You'd be jealous for sure.'

She didn't answer. Instead, she looked down at her feet. After about a minute of silence, she spoke. 'I would still be able to trust you,' she said. 'Clearly, you can't do the same for me.'

I rolled my eyes at her. 'Jenn, I do trust you, but I don't trust these other guys.'

'Oh course you don't,' she said, exasperated. 'But what's to say that you wouldn't give in to your desires if you were hanging out with girls.'

'Jenn,' I said, grabbing her hand. 'My only desire is to be here with you.'

She looked at me with a sad expression on her face. 

'Josh...' she said quietly. 'I just don't think this is going to work.'

My fears had been confirmed. I felt my heart pounding in my chest and tears well up in my eyes. I wasn't going to cry. 

'Wha.. what do you mean?' I asked, already knowing what her answer would be. 

'We're too young to committ ourselves to a relationship,' she said, with tears forming in her eyes. 'You're being so jealous and it's making it hard for me to make friends. It's not like I have many options when it comes to friends, and you're limiting it even further.'

I nodded and looked away. 'Ok, I'm sorry,' I said, hiding the tears that were escaping my eyes. 'I should probably go then.'

Jenn nodded. 'Ok,' she said. 'I'm so sorry, Josh.'

'Don't... just don't,' I said, grabbing my bag and heading for the door. 'Goodbye, Jennifer Lawrence.'

I left Jennifer alone in her room, not speaking another word. I slammed her door shut behind me with tears streaming down my face and left for my car.

*4 Years Later*

'Hi, Jennifer,' the person on the other end of the phone said. 'We're just calling to inform you that you've been successful with your audition for Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games movie! Congratulations!'

Sorry for the long wait guys - I've been very busy this past week, and I've had barely any time to write. Also, sorry that it's so short. 

- JS 

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