Chapter 5

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- Jennifer's P.O.V -

Sam and I put the dishes away in complete silence. Afterwards, he headed upstairs to grab his study books and I followed him. 

'Sam?' I asked quietly, but I recieved no acknowledgement. He finished stuffing his belongings into his bag and headed for my bedroom door. Before he could close it, I grabbed his arm and pulled him back into my room.

'Sam, why are you so mad at me?' I questioned him in a shaky voice.

'Why am I mad at you?!' he retorted with a raised voice. I put my finger up to my mouth to indicate that he be quiet. When he rolled his eyes I pulled him out onto the balcony that was connected to my room and sat him down on one of the chairs.

'Why?' I asked, not needing to elaborate.

'Because... it's Josh!' Sam hissed. 'He's the most popular, douchey guy and you deserve so much better!'

'He's not a douche!' I argued. 'And who are you to tell me what I do and don't deserve?'

'I'm your best friend!' Sam shouted angrily. 'I'm just looking out for you. You mightn't see it, but I know what Josh is like. He takes advantage of a girl for a week and then dumps her for the next model.'

'But he said I was different,' I said quietly.

'Yeah, right,' Sam spat, sarcastically. 'And how many other girls do you think he's said that to? Huh?'

I stood silently, looking out over my back yard.

'I thought so,' Sam said, glaring at me. 'You thought he really thought you were different, but he's just saying that to get in your pants.'

I understood what Sam was saying, but I still didn't believe that Josh was really like that. I mean, sure he did get around with a lot of other girls and I knew what he was like, but I really believed that he felt differently about me. 

'Sam, you of all people shouldn't be so quick to judge,' I almost whispered. 'You've spent the majority of your high school years being judged for your intelligence so don't be a hypocrite. You never know, Josh may mean what he said, and that's a risk I'm willing to take.'

'Well, don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart,' Sam said coldly and stood up to leave. 'And Jenn,' he turned back to face me. 'You really deserve someone who knows you and loves you; someone who's loved you for a long time.' 

I knew he was referring to himself. He closed the door of my balcony behind him and I stood silently, looking up at the starry sky. I felt like crap. Sam was my best friend, and I knew that he wanted what was best for me. But what if Josh was what's best for me?

- Josh's P.O.V - 

I decided to spend the evening working on some study for my art finals which would occur in just a few weeks. But I found it hard to focus on my studying when I was awaiting a call from Jennifer. So when my phone starting ringing I lept up from my chair excitedly, and my heart started pounding. 

'Hello?' I asked into the phone.

'Hey Josh, this is Jenn,' she sounded a little distracted.

'Are you alright?' I asked.

She hesitated a little. 'Yeah,' she answered eventually. I considered asking her what was wrong, but I didn't want to push her. 'You called earlier?' she asked.

'Yeah,' I said, collecting my thoughts. 'I was just going to tell you what's happening on Saturday if you're still up to going.'

'Yeah, sure,' she said, sounding brighter. I could picture her smiling on the other side of the line. 'What's the plan?'

'Well, Liam said that the party starts at 6pm, but you know, most people are going to arrive later,' I explained.

'Sure,' Jenn said slowly, a little unsure.

'So we'll aim to get there at around 7,' I continued. 'It's not a fancy party, so just wear something casual.'

'Ok,' Jen responded.

'And finally, I'll pick you up from your house at around 6:45pm,' I concluded. 'Is that alright?'

'Yep!' Jenn replied happily.

'I'm really looking forward to this party, Jenn' I said honestly. 'I really do like you.' I heard Jenn breathe in, slowly and shakily.

'I really like you too,' she said after a short pause. 

'Ok,' I was smiling giddily again. 'I'll see you tomorrow at school. Goodnight!'

'Goodnight' she said and I hung up the phone.

I couldn't stop smiling as I put away my art supplies and got ready for bed. I know that I'd been with many girls in the past, but I suppose that they were all a distraction from how much I liked Jenn as well as an effort to conceal my feelings for her out of fear that she wouldn't reciprocate. 

As I slipped into bed, I couldn't help but think about Jennifer, and all of the times I'd thought of talking to her and asking her out. I was glad that I'd finally decided to talk to her. 

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