Chapter 32

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16.6k reads?! Guys, this is unbelievable! Thank you all so much, you have no idea how much I appreciate every read, vote and comment. Sorry if the story has been a little mundane lately, but things are going to get pretty interesting in the next few chapters, so I hope you enjoy.

- JS

- Jenn's P.O.V - 

I threw the bouquet of roses on the ground and looked at them, horrified. My stylist, Maddie, looked at me like I was crazy. I still clutched the card in my hands, which were beginning to shake. 

'Um, Jenn, this is just my observation but you're acting weirder than usual today,' she said slowly, eyeing me suspiciously. 'Are you alright?'

'Can you please get Josh, I need to talk to him right now,' I said, unmoving and staring off into space. I suppose I was in shock, but I had reason to be. Nick was beginning to act really creepy, and his note had a threatening tone to it. 

'Sure,' Maddie said, and wandered off to find Josh in wardrobe.

As I sat alone in the room, I pulled out my phone and dialed Anna's number, praying that she would pick up. On the third ring, I heard her voice and feelings relief instantly coursed through my veins.

'Hey, Jenn,' she said happily, oblivious to what I had just encountered. 'I was just on the phone to Nick's publi - '

'Nick sent me what I think is a threat,' I interrupted her. 'It seems relatively harmless right now, but I'm scared.'

There was a brief silence before Anna spoke again.

'Jenn, what did he do?' she inquired.

'He sent me a bouquet of roses and the attached card read "Do you really think you can lie to me and get away with it?" and it was signed with an N at the end,' I said in a rushed manner. 'I know it's from him, and that definitely sounds like a threat doesn't it.'

At that point, Josh entered the room, half-dressed in his training center outfit. He shot me an inquisitive look, so I motioned to the roses and then handed him the card.

'Yeah, that does sound like a threat,' Anna admitted. 'But we'll need to do a little more research before we start blaming Nick. It could've just been some crazy stalker or fan. We're not certain for sure whether this is actually Nick's doing, but it does seem likely.' Even she seemed unsure which wasn't particularly comforting.

I started to feel quite panicky again. I looked over at Josh who was crouched on the ground, observing the bouquet of blood-red roses which lay strewn out over the floor. He turned the card over in his hand and then looked at me with a concerned expression.

'Listen, Jenn,' Anna continued. 'I'm going to look into this a bit more and I'll speak to his publicist and other staff again to try and sort out whatever is going on here. For now, just remain calm and focus on your work. You have Josh to keep you safe as well, so please don't worry.'

'Ok,' I sighed. 'Thanks, Anna.'

'No problem, Jenn. Stay safe,' she said before hanging up.

'Nick?' Josh asked as soon as I pulled my phone away from my ear. 

'I think so,' I said, looking down at the roses. 'We can't be sure, but it sure seems like it's from him. Plus, that looks a lot like his handwriting.'

'This has to stop,' Josh said, standing up and putting one hand on my shoulder. 'Was that Anna on the phone?'

'Yeah,' I replied, gazing at my phone. 'She said not to worry and that she'll look into this.'

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