Chapter 11

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Thank you all for reading - I'm surprised that this fanfic has any reads at all! (Sorry about this chapter... Most of it was kinda just filler stuff so it was pretty boring). Enjoy :)

- JS

- Jennifer's P.O.V -

Throughout the week, I'd spent most of my time outside of school either thinking about prom or studying with either Sam or Josh, or just by myself. However, at school during our recess and lunch breaks I spent my time hanging out with Sam and Josh and his group. Sam had integrated well into that group while I was still getting used to it.

I'd been receiving unwanted attention from both the boys and the girls of our school. The boys often winked at me or subtly flirted with me when Josh wasn't around while the girls glared at me with jealousy. It seemed as though the minute Josh and I started dating, I'd become equally as popular. People actually knew who I was and didn't ignore me all the time.

On Friday after school, I headed home to do a bit of study before going to Josh's for football night. I studied some Calculus and Human Biology until Sam knocked on the door downstairs.

'Coming!' I yelled as I grabbed my bag and rushed downstairs.

It was only a 15 minute walk to Josh's house and we arrived at about 5:20pm. Josh smiled as he opened the door and let us in.

'Follow me,' he said. 'I'll show you to the lounge.'

Josh's house was big, but similar in structure to mine. As he lead us through the house to his lounge, I noticed photos of Josh and his younger brother, Connor on the wall. I sometimes saw Connor around at school - he was a few years our junior - and he was equally as popular as Josh, but in his grade. I guess good looks and popularity ran in the family.

'Ok, here's the lounge,' Josh said, gesturing to a room through glass doors. I could see Liam and a few other boys lounging around drinking beer and eating snacks. 'I'm just going to see if my brother wants to join us.'

Josh turned and went upstairs while Sam and I joined the others in the lounge.

'Hey, Sam,' Liam said as we sat down next to him. 'Want a beer?'

Sam hesitated and looked at me. He's never really had alcohol before because his parents are quite strict when it comes to such things. I shrugged at him.

'Why not,' Sam said, taking a beer from Liam's hand. Liam also handed one to me and we began watching the game.

A few minutes later, Josh returned with his brother.

'Hey guys,' Josh said. 'For those of you who don't know him, this is my brother Connor.'

Connor definitely resembled his brother, he just looked slightly younger. He smiled shyly and waved at the group of teenagers before him. His eyes rested on me and then he turned to Josh and whispered something in his ear. Josh smiled and led Connor over to where I was sitting.

'Connor, this is Jenn,' Josh said. 'My girlfriend.'

I smiled politely as Connor shook my hand. Josh excused himself to get a beer and left Connor with me.

'He must really be serious about you,' Connor said out of nowhere.

'Huh?' I asked. 'Why?'

'Because even though he's dated plenty of girls before,' Connor explained. 'He's never brought a girl back to his place or introduced her to me. You must be pretty special.'

I laughed and blushed. 'Thanks.'

The evening was going pretty well until about 7pm. That's when things started going downhill. We'd been watching football and eating chips and I'd relocated to a comfortable bean bag on the floor.

At one point, Josh left the room to get more chips or something from the kitchen while one of his friends and fellow footballers, Jake Randel, came and sat next to me on the floor. He started chatting to me at first and I could tell that he was quite intoxicated by the way he slurred his words. However, he started getting a little too friendly when he started sliding his hand up my thigh.

'Jake, please stop,' I said sternly, slapping his hand away. I looked around for Josh but he must've still been in the kitchen.

But Jake just smiled and kept sliding his hand up further. Suddenly, Connor's voice filled my ears.

'Jake, get your hands off her,' he said, pushing Jake away from me.

'Fuck off, Connor,' Jake slurred, pushing Connor to the ground.

Josh re-entered the room.

'What the hell is going on here?' he asked, helping Connor up off the ground.

'Jake was just feeling up your girlfriend!' Connor blurted out.

'What?!' Josh exclaimed. He looked from me as I sat innocently on the ground, to Jake who was barely able to stand up due to his drunken state. 'Is that true?' he asked Jake, surprisingly calmly.

'Yes...' Jake slurred. 'She's hot so what do you expect?'

I just sat watching and listening with disgust. How dare Jake think he can just treat me like that!

'Get out, Jake,' Josh said, sternly but calmly. 'I'll drive you home, but don't come back here. And never touch Jenn again.'

Josh practically shoved Jake out of the house, and went to drive him home.

Meanwhile, everyone was much quieter back at Josh's house. I kind of wanted to escape and go back home, but I didn't out of respect for Josh. Instead, I decided that I'd find a place to be alone for a little while until Josh returned.

'Connor?' I asked quietly. 'Where's the bathroom?'

Connor showed me to the upstairs bathroom which was adjacent to Josh's room.

I washed my face and hands and just sat in there for a little while waiting for Josh to come home.

After I'd been in there for a suspiciously long time, I exited the bathroom and peeked into Josh's room. He had football posters on his walls and various pieces of art that he'd done. I was observing his impressive artwork when someone tapped me on my shoulder.

I jumped and turned around, expecting to see either Connor or Josh, but instead I turned to face Sam.

'Oh hey, Sam,' I sighed with relief. 'You scared me for a second.'

'Whatcha doing?' he slurred.

'Ugh,' I groaned. 'You're drunk too?'

'Kinda,' Sam said. 'Maybe.'

'Let's get you downstairs,' I said, rolling my eyes. 'And maybe I'll make you some coffee to sober you up a bit.'

But Sam had other ideas. 'Let's look in your boyfriend's room,' he said.

Before I could stop him, he pushed through the door and looked around. He was stumbling around so I grabbed his arm to steady him and eventually sat him down on Josh's bed.

'Be careful, buddy,' I sighed, sitting down next to him.

He rested his chin in his hands and looked at me with big eyes. 'You're so good to me Jenn,' he said honestly. 'I know you like Josh but in my eyes, no one is good enough for you... no one deserves how good you are.'

I wasn't sure how to take what he was saying so I just smiled awkwardly. 'Thank you, Sam.'

Sam moved closer to me until his face was centimeters from mine. 'I love you, Jenn,' he whispered before putting his hand around my neck and pulling my face towards him, his lips crashing into mine.

I was in such shock at Sam's confession of his love for me that I'd completely forgotten how to move or react. When I realised what was happening I pushed Sam away from me. But before I could yell at him, a voice sounded behind me.

'What the fuck?' Josh yelled.

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