Chapter 22

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Sorry that this chapter is a bit soppy (unless you're a sucker for that kind of stuff!). Also, I'm going to use the following abbreviations because I'm lazy: UK = University of Kentucky; and UofL = University of Louisville. Thanks for 1.3k reads! 


- Jennifer's P.O.V -

Josh's arms were tightly wrapped around me when I woke up. I turned my head to see his face which looked so sweet as he slept. I felt his warm, bare chest rise and fall in sync with his breathing. I needed to get up and have a shower and I didn't want to disturb Josh's sleep, so I carefully lifted his arm off of me. However, he stirred and opened his eyes just as I'd placed his arm back down on the bed and I cursed myself for waking him.

'Hmmm,' he mumbled. 'Morning, Jenn.'

'Good morning,' I smiled, leaning in and kissing him softly on the lips. 'Sorry for waking you.'

'It's alright,' he smiled. 'Where are you going?'

'I was just going to have a shower and then head home because I need to ring the University of Kentucky to accept their offer,' I explained.

His smile faded a little. 'So you're definitely going to accept?' he asked.

'Yeah,' I said. 'I'd usually wait until after I'd received any other offers before accepting, but I know that this college has the best Medical program in Kentucky and it's an offer I can't refuse.'

'Right,' he said, hopping out of bed and putting his arms around my waist. 'Well, while you shower I'll make us some breakfast.'

'Thanks,' I smiled, pecking his lips again.

It took me about 10 minutes to get ready and as I headed downstairs, I smelt a scent that was all too familiar to me.

'You made pancakes!' I exclaimed with joy as I entered the kitchen.

Josh turned around to see me as I entered the room. He smiled and returned to making pancakes. 'I sure did,' he said, focusing on his cooking.

He seemed a little distracted this morning, as if something was bothering him.

'Josh, is everything ok?' I asked.

'I don't want to be away from you at college,' he blurted out suddenly.

I was kind of surprised at what Josh had said. He was usually the one who would comfort me when I was thinking about college, and he was the cool and calm one, yet here he was baring all of his insecurities to me.

'Josh, I don't want to be away from you either, but if we want what's best for ourselves and for each other, it's kind of necessary,' I said sadly.

'I know,' Josh sighed, bringing some pancakes over for me. 'I'm just worried that there'll be all these guys all get you and you'll fall in love with someone else.'

'Josh,' I said seriously. 'That's not going to happen. I'm not going to fall for someone else when I already have you. I promise you. We'll make it work.'

'Ok,' he said, satisfied. For once, I was the one reassuring him.

I quickly finished my pancakes and grabbed my bag.

'Ok, I've got to go,' I said before kissing him on the lips. 'I'll walk home, but I'll call you tonight.'

'Ok, I love you,' Josh said. 'See you later.'

'I love you too,' I said, and headed out of Josh's house.

- Josh's P.O.V -

Jenn called me that afternoon and told me about her conversation with UK. She sounded truly happy which instantly cheered me up.

It was also time for me to make a choice about which offer I was going to accept for football recruitment. I decided to attend the football recruitment camps of two different colleges, both in Kentucky, but neither of them were UK. Both football camps were over the span of a week each and they overlapped a little, but I managed to deal with it. I had a great time and I was pretty sure that my chances of being accepted into either college were pretty high.

Finally, I was offered a football scholarship to both colleges, but I chose the University of Louisville as I felt the art program was better. 

'Oh, Josh,' Jenn said when I called her to tell her the news. 'Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!'

'Thanks, Jenn,' I said excitedly. 'I'm so excited to start college!'

'Me too,' she agreed. 'I think the atmosphere and everything is going to be so much better.'

'Yeah,' I sighed. 'It's gonna be hard being away from you, but it'll only be 76 miles.'

'Precisely!' she exclaimed. 

We spent out summer holidays before college hanging out together and just relaxing. We went out for dinner or a movie almost every night and we tried to spend as much time as we could together before we had to leave.

Jenn also hung out with her new friend Jena, who also appeared to be Sam's girlfriend, and was stoked to learn that Jena would also be attending UK. It was good to see Jenn developing a friendship with another female. She didn't always seem to get along with other girls particularly well, but her friendship with Jena blossomed over summer.

Unfortunately, we'd reached the penultimate day of our holidays and we'd be leaving for college on the final day, to get settled in to our dorms. Jenn's brothers had left for college a few days ago, and it was just her and I for the last couple of days.

That evening, we sat on the floor of her balcony and dangled our legs over the edge through the gaps. We gazed up at the night sky, looking at the stars and enjoying the warm, summer breeze.

We sat silently for a few minutes before I felt her fingers entwine in mine. I looked at her and smiled, only to see a single tear escape her eye.

'Jenn,' I said softly, wiping the tear away with the thumb of my free hand and cupping her face. 'Don't cry.'

'I... I just...' she stammered. 'I'm going to miss you so much.'

'76 miles Jenn,' I reminded her. 'That's all that's going to keep us apart. And don't forget, I'm only a phone call away.'

'I know,' she sobbed, moving closer to me and burying her face in my shoulder. 'I'm just going to miss seeing you everyday,' she said, her voice muffled by a combination of my shirt and her hair. 'I'll miss your smile most.'

I felt tears prickling in my eyes too. Ugh, why did it have to be so emotional? Jenn and I knew we wouldn't be far away but it felt like it would be. And who knows? Weekly visits could turn into monthly visits, and perhaps even less frequently until we gradually drift apart. Although neither of us admitted it to the other, I think we were both mostly afraid of that happening.

I held her close, comforting her and stroking her hair. 'Jenn, I have to go now,' I said, releasing her from my tight embrace. She nodded and wiped her eyes.

'I guess this is goodbye then,' she said, standing up and reaching out her hand to help me stand up.

'Not goodbye,' I corrected her, taking her hand. 'See you soon. I'll come and visit you the first weekend, and then we'll alternate. And we'll call each other every night.'

'Definitely,' she said quietly.

There was a short pause before she hugged me again. 'I love you,' she whispered.

'I love you too,' I mumured in return.

I let her go and climbed down the tree that was accessible via her balcony. As I drove home, I quietly congratulated Jenn.

I congratulated her for being the first and only girl to ever steal my heart.

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