Chapter 16

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Here's the next chapter. Enjoy :)

- JS

- Jennifer's P.O.V -

At 12:30pm I headed downstairs and told mum that I was just going out for a walk on a study break and she agreed that it was a good idea.

I walked over to the McDonalds near our school as requested and ordered a chicken wrap.

As I sat alone in a booth by the window, I ate my wrap and received a text from Josh.

Josh: Hey Jenn :)

Jenn: Hi Josh :)

Josh: What are you up to?

Jenn: Getting lunch from McDonalds.. you?

Josh: Healthy... ;) and ugh, I'm literally doing the last page for my portfolio. My painting submission is finished though!

Jenn: Oooh, exciting and congrats. After this, all you have to worry about is your SATs and even then, you don't need to really worry :)

Josh: Thanks :) you don't need to worry either, Miss Smartypants

I chuckled softly to myself.

Jenn: Oh, but I don't want that kinda pressure haha, I don't think I can live up to the 'Miss Smartypants' title

Josh: Sure you can!

At that point, through the window I saw Stephanie approaching from across the street.

Jenn: Haha, whatever. Anyways, I've got to go. Talk to you later :)

I finished my wrap just as Stephanie walked through the door. She looked around and upon spotting me, she came over to my booth and sat opposite me.

'Hi Jennifer,' she sneered. 'I bet you weren't expecting to see me.'

'Actually I was expecting exactly this,' I shrugged innocently.

She leaned in and glared at me with hate in her eyes. 'Don't act all smart with me, bitch,' she said in a threatening tone.

'It's not an act,' I smiled, provoking her. I knew I was pissing her off, but it was fun and what was the worst she could do?

She continued to glare at me, but to my surprise she sat back and smiled.

'Wanna go for walk?' she asked calmly. 'I think we need to talk somewhere else.'

'Ok,' I obliged.

We both stood up and headed over to a park that was across the road from McDonalds. It was overcast outside and the heavy clouds about threatened rain. I followed her to a bench that was almost concealed by foliage. She sat down and motioned for me to sit down on the other end of the bench.

'What do you want?' I asked. 'That picture you took was innocent, but we both know it could be percieved differently. So, what do you want?'

'I want you to break up with Josh,' she demanded.

'No way,' I laughed. 

'Then I'm sending the picture,' she said simply.

'How did you get the picture?' I asked.

'I was just in the area and I saw you and Sam practically making out,' she smirked.

'Yeah right,' I rolled my eyes. 'I'm not going to fall for 'just in the area'. Why were you following me? And we both know that all Sam did was squeeze my hand.'

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