Chapter 18

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Hey guys! Thank you all so much for almost 1000 reads! 

- JS

- Jennifer's P.O.V - 

The next few weeks were hectic at school. The SATs were fast approaching and no one really had time for anything else. My ribs were healing quickly and my nose was back to normal. It turned out that mum and dad brought the issue with Stephanie up with the school, and she was expelled almost immediately. We didn't press charges but the police gave Stephanie a warning and the incident was noted on her permanent record.

Despite all the stress of study and school, I was sleeping quite well because Josh often snuck into my bedroom to sleep with me. We weren't doing anything but sleeping and making out at the moment, but I was anxiously anticipating the moment when it would inevitably develop into something more at some point down the track.

We had finally arrived to the night before prom. My older brothers Ben and Blaine were coming up to visit for the Summer holidays and were flying in from LA and Ohio that night. Josh and I were studying in my room on my bed while my parents greeted them at the airport.

'Do you reckon you're gonna miss school?' Josh asked me out of the blue during a long silence.

'Hmmm?' I pondered. 'Oh... I guess so. I'll miss the structured routine of it and also the guidance, but I won't miss everything else.'

Josh laughed. 'Fair enough,' he said. 'It's hard to believe it'll all be over tomorrow!'

'Yeah,' I sighed. 'I'm more looking forward to prom though.'

Josh put his pen down and put an arm around my shoulders. 'Me too,' he smiled, tightening his arm around my shoulders. 'I bet you'll look beautiful... well, more beautiful than usual if that's even possible.'

I giggled and playfully slapped him. 'Oh, you,' I blushed.

'So, should I really be worried about meeting your brothers?' Josh asked curiously.

I laughed loudly. 'Josh, I was just joking!' 

'I know, but...' Josh started but I interrupted him.

'Seriously, you really don't need to worry,' I reassured him. 'I've told them all about you, and they like what I've told them about you.'

'That's good,' he smiled and as if on cue, I heard a car pull up in our driveway.

'They're here!' I said excitedly. Ever since they'd graduated and left for college, I'd only been able to see them during the Summer holidays and even then, they would only stay for a week or so.

I grabbed Josh's hand and pulled him along with me as I rushed downstairs. As we reached the front hall, I heard a key turn in the lock of the front door and I jumped up and down, unable to contain my excitement.

When the door opened, dad entered the house followed by my brother Blaine. I ran up to him and practically jumped on him to hug him. He almost fell over but he hugged me back.

'Hey, Jenn!' he said excitedly. 'You've grown so much,' he said as I released him from my hug.

'Yeah, and tomorrow she'll be off to prom,' Ben said from behind Blaine, pretending to wipe an imaginary tear from his eye. 'Our little Jenny is all grown up!'

We all laughed. 'Shut up!' I smirked, giving Ben a hug.

I turned around and saw Josh standing awkwardly to the side. 'Ben, Blaine,' I said, getting their attention. 'This is my boyfriend, Josh.'

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