Don't Clown Around

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Meanwhile, Richards was running towards his house, not looking back.  "Dude wait for me!" yelled Nana as she trail behind him. Nana ran, but she was beginning to have a need to look back.  "Shit, fuck, they left and we're still running like fools." she thought to herself as she stopped running.

"Hey dumb ass, stopped running they're gone," she yelled at Richard who was right in front.  He heard what she had said so he quickly stopped running and turned to face her.  "They're gone? Shit, that's good to know," he said as he leans on a tree to catch his breath.    "Man, what is wrong with you? Are you really afraid of your own friends?" she said as she walked up to him.  "Fuck Ya!  You saw what hey looked like," he replied  

"Well, being afraid of them it's not going to help you get to the bottom of this." she said  "What bottom?  This is the bottom!  They are the ones that are killing.  You heard what the clown said." said Richard   "Wait, you saw that too?" she replied  "What?  Are you kidding me? Girl, I'm going to my house where I know it's safe." said Richards as he opens his front door.    "Why would you hide?  They are your friends, so I think you shouldn't hind from your friends," said Nana  

"Girl does you ever shut the fuck up?" he asked as they both entered the house.  "Fuck you man I was just trying to help.  You're on your own, I'm outer here," said Nana as she walked back out slamming the door behind her.   Richard didn't want to be left alone, but his pride didn't let him stop her.  "Bitch, it's not like I need you," he muttered as he laid on the sofa staring at the ceiling.

Now the sheriff had already visited all the crime scene.  He and his other deputy just didn't understand the weird ways the frat boys were killed.  Their bodies and blood were all over the place.  The place was horrifying, that the deputy ran out just to dispose of his lunch.  "Deputy, get yourself together.  I want to know what or who do you think is doing this." said the Sheriff "Sir there's blood and pieces of body parts on the ceiling.  This shit isn't normal.  My Aunt work with supernatural incidents.  That shit in there wasn't done by a normal man." explained to the Deputy as he continued to throw up outside near the porch.

"Well, let me know when you're done.  We must go see her, maybe she can stop these clowns that seem to want to kill with pleasure and tricks." said the Sheriff  "Well you know what I think?  I think we should just go home and let time take its course.  Those frat boys killed those other teens who were dressed in clown outfits.  Everyone in this small town knew the truth and covered it up as soon as it happens.  Frank's patients pay this towns way, so everyone kisses his ass.  Let's see how he make the clowns kiss his ass." said the Deputy

"What are you saying?  I haven't cover anything up." replied the Sheriff a bit upset.  "You maybe didn't, but I'm sure the Mayor did." said the Deputy  "Fine, look there's no time to be pointing fingers, take me to your Aunt's house, maybe she can figure out how to stop them." suggested the sheriff as they climb on their horses heading towards Aunt Romsey cabin.

Now Frank was walking home from the Sheriff.  When he left the jailhouse, his horse was nowhere to be found.  So he decided to walk four miles to his house.  He remembers what the deputy had said, Mrs. Romsey, the only red cabin on my left, two miles down the road.  So as he walked down the now very dark road, he looked around for that red cabin, when suddenly he spotted the little red cabin.

He walked to the window and peek inside.  Then suddenly the front door flew opened.  "Boy don't you know is rude to peek in other people window! Get the hell away from my home!" she screamed as she pointed her gun at him.   "I must apologize for that, but I'm looking for Mrs. Romsey." he replied  "What do you want her for?" asked the old lady  "I'm having a small problem, with a couple of ghosts, well I think their ghost," he replied

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