Don't Clown Around

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Now, Richard began packing his friends things in boxes.  The patients were coming by in a couple of days to pick up their belongings.  "Guys, I'm so sorry this happened.  I shouldn't have left you alone." he thought as he picked their things up.

The police were now in the hospital, trying to figure out what happened to Luke.  "Officer Tompson, maybe the clown that survive might know what's going on.  It could even be him who's doing this.  His friends are all dead, maybe he out for revenge." explained one of the doctors.  "You may have a point.  I'll go and talk to the kid." said the officers as he headed to Richard's dorm.   The nurse cleans up the mess, after the sheriff did his investigation, not understanding how did anyone get in without anyone realizing.

Now Frank finally arrived at the Jailhouse.   He told the police what had happened.  That his friend was dead and that he was pretty sure that Richard, who was the only clown alive, was behind his friend's death.   As he explained to Officer Johnson, he kept hearing a creepy clown's giggle.  As he talked and glanced around, following the sounds of giggles.  "Are you all right?" asked the officer   "Sure, I'm fine," replied Frank  

"You seem kind of lost.  What are you looking for?" asked the Officer  "Don't you hear that?" he replied   "Here what?" replied the officer.  "Laughter, just some creepy fucken laughter!" explained Frank as he continued to look around.  "You know son.  You are not having a good day.  Yesterday, what happens at your party seem to be still freaking you out.  Have a seat here.  Relax. I'll go check out your friend Freddie.  I'm sure, it's nothing." said the officer   "Nothing?  Are you kidding me?  Sir, my friend is dead.  I saw the blood and all.  He's dead!  Really dead!" said Frank as he sat down frantic.   "Calm down, I believe you.  Look, wait for me to return.  Officer Link will stay here with you.  You'll be safe." said Officer Johnson as he grabbed his gun and went on his way, leaving him sitting in the jailhouse waiting room, with one of his deputies.

Meanwhile, at the frat house,  David was sitting in the living room, holding on to a bat as he glanced around.  "Shit dude, hurry up.  I don't like being here alone." he thought as he looked about nervously.   Then he heard a loud giggle, followed by a creepy laughter.  "Who's there?  Come on Frank, is that you?  This shit isn't funny!" he screamed as he got up and lend against the wall, as he looks forward with the bat ready to swing.   "Come out and show yourself, cause, believe me, I don't want to hit you, and I'm about to hit whoever appears in my path!" he explained in a panic.   The giggles, became louder, and louder, overriding David's voice.  "Stop it already, Dude this shit isn't funny.  Frank!  Richard, look man if that's you.  I'm sorry what happen to your friends, but I didn't poison them.  It was Frank and the others but not me." he muttered

Then suddenly standing in the doorway was a tall creepy clown dressed in all yellow.  "Hello there.  As you see I'm wearing yellow.  Cause dude, you are so yellow right now.  Don't you know no one likes a snitch! Wan Wan, stop crying your innocent.  You knew what they were going to do to us, and laughed and didn't do anything to stop them.  So you are just as guilty as they are." said the clown as he walked into the living room and began to climb up the side of the wall, as he's giggles got louder.   "I knew it, it's you Richard.  Look, dude, I'm sorry, but it wasn't me." David replied realizing that it wasn't Richard and whatever it was, it wasn't human.

"What part of no one likes a snitch, you don't understand?  Richard was lucky, he listens to his guilt, that's why he's still alive.  But, I wasn't so lucky." said the clown   "Look, I'm sorry. I'll do anything to make things right." he said as he walked slowly towards the doorway.   The clown quickly like a flash appeared in front of the doorway.   "No, no, no, buddy man, I can't let you leave." said the clown    "Please, I'm innocent," he replied

"Let me show you a trick my friend." the clown said as he continued to giggle.

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