Don't Clown Around

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Now the sheriff was finally arriving at Mrs. Romsey's home.  He jumped off his horse then spotted her on her cabin's porch rocking back and forth on her wooden rocking chair.  She lite a cigar as she glances over at the sheriff.  "Good evening Mrs. Romsey's.  I'm sorry to bother you at such a late time but I really could use your help." said the sheriff

"It all depends what you need. So spit it out, what do you want?" the old lady replied.  "I'm not sure if you heard about the deaths in our town lately.  But three young man committed suicide at a frat party.  Since then there have been serial killings." the sheriff explained

"Listen, you know and I know those boys where murdered, it wasn't a suicide. So don't write it off that way. " said Mrs. Romsey's   "Madam I not trying to write nothing off.  I'm trying to stop any more killings.  It's been three, two days ago, and three more since then. I understand you helped people in the past.  So what can you tell me or what do you think?" he asked with a smile as he went to sit down.

"Excuse me? Did anyone say you can sit down?" she said  The sheriff's face turned then he quickly stood up straight, as he lends against the porch wall.  "Sorry, about that.  Look can you help me or not?" he said as he began to head towards his horse.  "Listen to me, let it be. There's only dangerous if you insist.  

These clowns are evil for the clothes that they wear are special and hunted, there is no life there.  You must find those customs and burn them away, then maybe the clowns will stop killing today. Those custom are ancient, they belong to one man, who worked at a circus putting smiles on many faces.  Each of his outfits where possesses a black magic spell.  They specialize in different things.  When this clown was the excuse of killing two kids, the people of the town hung him up on the fairest wheel and turned it on, hanging him and tiring his body apart as it spun.

They left the body there until the next morning.  The clowns family, where very upset, they cursed the circus that hurt their boy.  Everyone in the circus began to get killed.  They found out later that this clown had many personalities, three of them, one for each outfit.  When he wore one custom, he turned into a different person with a very strong and evil personality.  The land where the circus was located, became dry, they lost all business, and now it's just a ghost town.  

Now, those boys that were killed had those customs, three clowns, three evil clowns.  You must find out where did they get the outfits from.  I understand there's still one boy left.  Question him, he has to know, where they got the clown outfits from.  You must take them back to where they belong and burn them within that land.  But you must not worry, they'll kill those he hurt them, and I do believe they are almost done.  But the evil will return every year on the same day to do the same." the old lady explained.

"If I find the outfits and burn them, will the killing stop forever?" the sheriff asked very worriedly.  "Yes,  maybe, I'm not sure if they'll go back to the evil world they came from," she replied

"Well, then I guess that's what I must do.  Thanks for your help," he said as he sat on his horse.  "Don't thank me, jet, they won't make it easy for you.  Good luck with that," she said as he stood up and went into her cabin while shaking her head.  "Poor fool, he needs to go home and mind his own business for a change.  Those clowns are going to tear him apart, that's the only black magic that frightens me," she whispered to herself as she fixes herself a cup of tea.

The sheriff took off on his horse.  He needed to talk to Richard.  He rode his horse towards Richard's home.  "I hope I find this kid before anyone else get hurt." he thought 

Meanwhile Frank was hurt and afraid, "I must find Richard, I know for sure he's behind all this shit." he muttered heading towards Richard's home.  Richard was sitting in his bedroom, staring at the ceiling.  "Shit I don't know what to do.  Tom, Eric, and Nathing might come after me next, me being the only one alive.  We should have never stolen those custom.  Somehow, I must fix this." he thought when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

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