Don't Clown Around

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Nana quickly ran home.  "Shit I don't know what to do." she thought as she sat in her bedroom looking out the window.   

Richard, woke up when he heard the sirens.  "What in the world is going on?" he thought to himself as he slowly got out of the car.  "Shit everyone is leaving.  I must find the guys," he muttered as he proceeded to walk towards the house.

When he walked in through the opened door, he noticed the cops had four young men against the wall.  They were being questioned.   Then when he looks to the ground there were three bodies, one on top of the other.  As he got closer, he realizes it was his three friends.  "Oh, my god.  This can't be happening!" he yelled as he tried to get closer and was stopped by a police officer.  "Hey, where do you think you going?" he said  

"Those are my friends.  What happened to them?" he replied   "I'm not sure yet, but it looks like some kind of overdose.  Some say they did some angel dust, which is nothing but Morfin very dangerous stuff.  Someone else said he took some volume that's what we use to claim the pain, it's just like morphine but not as strong." explained the officer.   "That's impossible, my friends weren't into any type of drugs.  Besides those drugs are only obtained by doctors.  So it's all a lie.  I knew something was wrong when we were invited to this stupid party.  I told them not to go.  But they just wanted to make friends." said Richard as his tears ran down his face.

"Sorry for your lost son, but can I get you to know and address, just in case you need to be questioned." said the Officer  "What, I don't know anything. I came to the party with my friends.  It was a custom party, my friends and I works as a clown to make money for college.  So as you can see, I'd dress as a clown.  But I choose to stay in the car.  Then after a while, I fell asleep.  When I heard the siren that's when I woke, and this is now.  I do believe if I did chose to stay inside the car, it would have been four of us, not three." Richard explained while also crying.  

The Officer kept silence for a minute or two, "Son, somehow that makes a lot of sense. Here's my card. If you find out anything doesn't matter what, that's where you can find me. My name is Officer Roy.  You have been safe, go home now." he said as he patted him on the shoulder.  "May I say goodbye to my brothers?" Richard replied with tears still running down his face.  "Hurry up, you've got three minutes." replied the officer.  They were now all laying face up in body bags.  The officer opened each bag one at a time, then Richard said goodbye to each one.  Once he said his goodbyes. He shocks the officer's hand and headed home trying to control his emotions.  He was sad like he never been.  As he drove Tom car to their apartment, he knew that his friends were killed.  It was wrong and it was ugly.  

When he reached his home.  The place was quiet, too quiet.  He got ready for bed.  He lay there staring at the ceiling. until finally, he falls asleep.

Frank and his friends were also questioned and then let go.  Everyone had a bit of trouble sleeping that night. It seems that there still something that needed to be done.

The dreams began with Frank, who didn't tell his patients anything that happens in there house. It also took him a good time to fall asleep.  But when he did, he dreams that he was sitting in class and it seems that he was the only one there, as he looks up he sees his math teacher explaining a math problem.  As his teacher turned and began to right on the blackboard, his hands begin to change.  Then he began to hear giggles behind him, as he turns and looks, he sees nothing as he turns back to look at his teacher, the teacher was a clown with long claws for nails and teeth long and sharp.  As its mouth opened wide to bit off its face, Frank screamed as he opened his eyes and woke up.   "What the hell was that," he said as he got up got something to eat, it was four in the morning and he didn't go back to sleep.

Now Luke toss and turned as he ran in his dream.  That somehow he appeared outside in front of his house. When there were hundreds of balloon animals falling out of the sky.  As he attempted to run back into his house.  The wind became strong, and the whispers in the air said, "Do you like balloons", in a creepy, scrappy voice.  Luke smacked the balloons out of the way and ran to open his front door, which appeared to be locked.  "Some, one open the door, open the door!" he yelled in his dream and also out loud.  It was five and the morning and when he headed down to the kitchen to get some hot to drink.  He comes across Frank, who was sitting down drinking coffee.   

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