Don't Clown Around

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Tom and his friend really believe that they were sincere and nice.  They felt comfortable and quickly chugged down the three cups of punch.   Nana glanced their way, afraid of them.  Not knowing if Frank and his friends went through with their plans.

When Tom finished his drink, "Eric, I think I'm done drinking for an hour or two.  I'm beginning to feel dizzy." he said as he looks for a spot to sit down.  "Dude, you and I both." said Nathing  "Guys wait for a second, wait up," said Nathing as he held on to the wall to reach his friends.  The three found the sofa empty and quickly sat down.   Nana walked right behind them.  "Shit, Frank and his friends, Mickey them.  That fucken asshole," she muttered as she walked up to the bar table. "Hey, Freddie." she said  "What the hell do you want?  You know Frank dump you, why are you even here?" he replied in a very strong tone.

"What did you put in those boys drinks?  Tell me you fucken asshole!" she screamed   The music was loud so no one heard what she said.   "What the hell bitch!  I didn't put anything in their punch.  So get the fuck away from me, before I call Luke to throw you out." replied Freddie   "If anything bad happens to those boys, I'm telling the police." she replied    Freddie came from around the table and gripped her by the hair, "Listen to me bitch, mind your own business, or will do the same to you.  After we have a little fun first." he said as he let go of her hair by shoving her away.

"Ass hole I'm not afraid of you, and as I said, if anything happens to them I will tell," she said as she was about to walk away,  Freddie again gripped her by her hair and dragged her to the kitchen, opened the back door and tossed her outside.  "Bitch, go home!  You're no longer welcome here!" he yelled as he locked the door behind him.  Nana scrapped her elbow and her head hurt a little.  But she quickly stood up and ran to the front of the house.   

Meanwhile in the living where the dancing was taking place.   Frank turned the music down.  "Can I get everyone's attention?" he yelled while standing in the middle of the room.   "Go ahead dude talk." said someone in the party.   "Well my friends, I've invited four of my good friends to come and perform for us.  But only three showed up.  Everyone meet, Erie, Tom, and Nathing.  the neighborhood clowns.  I'm hoping that they put on a magic show for us.  So, guys what do you say? Will you perform for us?" he asked with a fake evil smile as he walked towards the sofa and stood in front of Tom and his friends.

The guys were dizzy and sweating. They didn't feel good at all.  But Tom found a way to stand up, as he tilts side to side, the party guest began to laugh.  Then Erie wibbles and wobbles until he was now standing next to Tom.   Then Nathing began to stand, "Tom, help me!  I don't feel too good." he said as he stood up, then within second fell to the floor unconscious. 

"Nathing, we got to hold on," said Tom as he tried to pick his friend to place him back on the sofa.  But suddenly he lost all balance falling over Nathing's body.   Erie was confused and disoriented. But nevertheless, he went to try to help his friends.  But his body didn't let him, for he also fell over his friend's bodies, unconscious.

The guest began to screamed and laugh, they believe it was part of the joke.  But when Frank notice they didn't move, he approached the body,  "Dudes, hey, get up man.  Don't clown around and get up." he said with a smile  But when he touched the body, he realized they were dead.  "Fuck, Freddie call an ambulance, I don't feel to a pulse," he yelled   The other guest began to walk around to glance at the three clowns in the laying in the center of the living room.

"Shit it's Halloween, guys this was a good one.  Now tell the clowns to get up." said one of the guest.  "This is not part of the trick.  Everyone stay away from the bodies," said Frank     Freddie quickly approached him.  "Dude, don't worry their just a little dusty." he whispered  "I know, but I think Luke might have given them a bit too much." he replied  "What, wait.  Are you saying that Luke Mickey them?" asked Freddie.  "Yes, but I think he gave them too much." Frank replied  "Oh fuck, shit dude, I also mickey them.  I didn't know it was already done.  Shit dude they might have an overdose, shit the cops are going to be all over our ass." said Freddie who was now afraid.  "No one knows, so just keep it quiet.  I've already called the police," he whispered  

Then David walked towards them, "Hey what the hell.  These clowns couldn't handle a volume. What kind of pussy clowns are they?" said David as he approaches Frank and Freddie.   "Dude shut the fuck up and stop clowning around.  Their all dead." Frank whispered   "Holy shit, I didn't know a volume could kill you.  Sorry man, I didn't know." David replied  "What?  Are you telling you gave him a volume?" whispered  Freddie  "Of course, I didn't want to give the angel dust we talk about.  I didn't want to be that mean." said David   "Fucken shit, we triple mickey them.  Fuck my patient arent' going to let me forget this." said Frank    "Everyone, sorry but, the party is over.  Everyone go home." Luke began to screamed while Frank and Freddie sat down on the sofa looking over the clown bodies.   David sat on the floor beside them confused and scared.

Nana was still trying to make her way through the front door as the crowd of guest proceeded to leave.  As she pushed and shove, and she stepped onto the porch, she saw the three clowns laying on top of each other unconscious.   Her heart began to race, and then before she could turn around and leave, Freddie made eye contact with Nana.   She quickly noticed the way he looked at her, so she quickly jumped into her car and headed home.

"Frank, we have a problem." he said   "Not now, we'll talk later.  The police arrived." he replied as they began to explain to the police that they didn't know what had happened.

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