3 years Later

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Shafyaa's P.O.V

For the past few weeks, I've been having really bad headaches,dizziness and nausea after some meals.

Ya I know what you are all thinking,I might be pregnant, I thought about it too there is a possibility I'm pregnant but I haven't yet take a pregnancy test and I haven't even told Youseff about it he would be worried I'm sure but...

To clear my doubt,I finally took a pregnancy test. Youseff was at work and I did not go today as I was not feeling well, I took this opportunity to take a pregnancy test.

It's not the first time I'm taking a test. Youseff and I have been wanting kid for the past 1 and a half year.

So I peed on the pregnancy test, waiting for the *surprise!* "pregnant!", I uttered happily, sadly, it is like a mixed if emotion! Didn't know what to say? How to react? Nothing, I just admired the test with a + on it. It's a true surprise. Youseff and I know god is sovereign,he must have reserved our desire for the future and here it is!

I was soooooo happy to announce this to Youseff. I just couldn't wait till he return home.

  _____Later that day_____

"Babe, I'm home.", entered Youseff. I was in our room with pregancy test near the towel so he would notice when he go freshen up but he was toooooo busy being romantic with me Gosh.

"Awwe babe missed you a load today *hugging me from behind* so good to see you again", said Youseff kissing my neck, shoulder, cheeks while hugging me and I so wanted to puke not because of his kisses Wallahi he is for sure the best kisser, I held the puke inside, disgusting, right?.

Oh mi gawd! He came forward to make out with me, nooooo didn't want that to happen. I pushed him and rushed in the bathroom and let all the pukes out. Felt sorry for Youseff.

"Babe what happened? Am I that bad of a kisser? Am I smelly? Babe why are you puking? I'm sure my breath smell, we must change the toothpaste! I'm sorry.",
Gosh how can he be cutely dumb- stupid! He is still a baby himself, how am I going to handle to babies.

"Babe, are you okay?", he asked, finally he became serious and ask me a real question.

"Ya babe I'm fine, don't worry, go freshen up and we'll talk",

"Talk? Talk about wha-at?", why do all boys gets scared about this sentence?

" *grins* talk about something important, like really important", I thought of making him a bit more scared.

"Important? Did I commit a mistake? Babe why are you talking like that? *came closer and grabs my cheeks*", I looked in his eyes and he was actually worried, Awwe he loves me a lot that's for sure.

"*laughs* babe it's nothing important... no it is important but not scarily important, no I don't know if it's scary or not but it's mostly happily important, what? Gosh GO FRESHEN UP! U know well I just cannot explain someting.", yups I'm that bad at explaining.

"*laughs* I know babe, u look so cute right now, just want to give you a big smoochy kiss",

"Okay but go to the bathroom and then u can give me kisses everywhere, just go",

"Okay okay everywhere?", he raised his eyebrows.

"Gosh just GOOOOOOOO!",

He is such a pain in the ass but the sweetest pain in the world.

"BABE!", I guess he found the pregnancy test. Damn wanna see his face.

"Yes what happened?",

"Babe babe babe babe", he came out of the bathroom with the pregnancy test, smiling and laughing.

Crush Next Door[Completed And Editing] Where stories live. Discover now