Chapter 16

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Youseff P.O.V

I went to room number 34 and shoved in with anger and I saw Shafyaa lying on the bed unconscious and Danny freaking Danny was on her. Do you know what is meant on her? Yes he was freaking on her. Shafyaa did not have her Hijab on and 2 button of her blouse was torn off. When I entered the room, Danny stood and his shirt was opened.

At first my mind was focusing only on Shafyaa. I was scared and was at the same time raving with anger. I took a jug of water and threw it on her and she instantly woke up and I was relieved. I turned to Danny and started freaking punch him everywhere.

"You dumb*punch* ass! How dare you *punch* do that with *punch* shafyaa. She is *punch* not like *punch* the bitches you *punch* slept With. I told *punch**punch* you to stay away from her", I reprimanded him alongside with some punches. I was very much angry.

Shafyaa P.O.V

Someone threw a mug of water me and I woke up founding myself on a bed without my hijab and 2 buttons were torn off in my blouse not only that but two men was fighting in front of me, Danny and Youseff. They were not blood related to me so they had no right to watch me without hijab. I looked at myself in the mirror which was in front of me and started crying my lung out and they both stopped fighting.

But Youseff punched Danny in the face and that was soooooooo hard that Danny fell unconscious in the ground. I stood up still crying my lung out and Youseff, I wonder why, he came and hugged me. I looked at us in the mirror and cried even louder.

"Ouch What the fuck!? It's my ear", Youseff released me.

He looked away and ordered me to put on my hijab. I put on my hijab still sobbing and he offered me his coat to cover myself. I looked at the mirror again and realized that one of my sleeve was torn as well. I cried again and wrapped myself in his coat and he looked at me and hugged me again.

I too hugged him and cried myself in his arm. I could hear him sobbing as well. We hugged about 2 minutes while I continued crying. After sometimes we released ourselves and I looked at him helplessly. I was feeling so down, my head was aching and I wanted to continue crying. I was so scared of Allah's punishment. Two stranger saw me without hijab and saw my skin. I did not want to become a sinner.

"Are you alright", Youseff asked.

"Do you*sob* think *sob* I'm alright?. You saw me *sob* without *sob* my hijab and you asking *sob* me if I'm alright? Do you *sob* realise how haraam this is?", I told him and break down again. If Danny was conscious I would have scolded him the same way. But I did not know exactly how I ended up here.

" Here you are. Take some water", he offered me water and made me sit on the bed.

*after taking a sip*

"Si-r how did I end up here",

"First of all stop calling me Sir and for Allah's sake stop crying", he ordered and for the first time ever I have heard him saying 'Allah' and it felt so good to hear him.

He gave me his handkerchief to wipe my nose and I snuffed. I felt so embarrassed but their was a booger in my nose.

Youseff P.O.V

I offered her my handkerchief and it was so cute to see her snuffing in my handkerchief. I know I sound weird but she was so cute. I guess when you are in love everything seems cute.

She asked me to tell her what happened and I narrated it with anger:

"Danny told me that you and him are going for lunch and he said he will make you his.

I already knew what he meant by his. Usually he sleeps with girls and claim that they are his. He is obsess with you I told him to stay away from you but he said you love him. I followed his car and called you but he picked up but Finally I found you in this condition. I wonder how you fell unconscious", I narrated and she hugged me again and cried.

Gosh she is such a crybaby.

"Thank god you came here on time. Else he would have raped me.", she hugged me still crying.

"Um Shafyaa, can I ask you one question?",


"Where do girls find that much of tears?", I teased and she released me and smiled.

Gosh o should not have talk. I was feeling so good when she was hugging me.

"You-youseff *cries again* I hugged a stranger", she said and cried again.

"Shafyaa sTOP CRYING AND STOP COMPLAING", I yelled at her and she stayed quiet. She was like a sad sad puppy. She was so damn cute.

"So-rry. I won't cry again",

"Let's go home. I will drop you", I offered but I was till thinking how she fell unconscious. Danny was still lying on the floor. Before leaving the room, I poured water on his face so that he does not sleep here and people think he is dead.

We went to the car and I went to drop her home.

*ding dong*

"Mom what are you doing here?", my mom opened the door. She was the the friend of Mrs Myra.

"Shafyaa what happened? Why are your eyes red", my mom ignored my question and she started talking.

"Mom can we first enter the house then sit down to talk",

"Ya come in. Jasbeer(Mrs Myra) shafyaa is here and my son too. Come fast",

"Asalamualaikum Aunt", I greeted Mrs Myra. She greeted back and she asked me what happened. I had to narrate the same story again and thinking about the room scene turned me red with anger.

"Thank you Son for helping Shafyaa", Mrs Myra thanked me and I returned home. After some times My mom also returned home and she hugged me and said: "well done Son.",

"Thanks mom I'm going to my room. Call me for dinner",

Shafyaa P.O.V

I was so grateful to youseff, he saved me from being ruined and I felt something when he hugged me.

I could not stop thinking about Youseff. My feelings for him had revived. Every time I was thinking about him, I smiled.
He became my crush again. He was such a nice guy.
I love him! Yes I do love him! But he does not love me. Anyway crush are the only reason why being single is not boring.

Youseff P.O.V

How dare Danny do that to Shafyaa after warning him. I love Shafyaa and nobody touch her. I love her! I truly love her!

For the first time, I have found true love and I really wanted to propose her. I truly loved her and I was sure about proposing her!.


Chapter 16
What do you think? Both are sure about thier love!

Chapter 17........ still thinking


Crush Next Door[Completed And Editing] Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя