chapter 6

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  The next day when I woke up, of course after 10 o'clock, My sister and I wanted so badly to go shopping and then for lunch out and that day was the perfect day as tomorrow, on Monday 4th April shafyaa was finally going to work.
I asked my mom for permission and she gave her  consent.

   We both started dressing up and we both took $500 each and set off for our girl's out. We went almost every corner around and ate Pizza, did a lot of shopping. We were enjoying a lot. It nearly 5 00 PM and we took the bus and it dropped us to the nearest bus stop from our house but we still had 10 mins to walk. My sister and I always share everything from each other and we are good secrets keepers.

  "Hey sis, do u know what I saw last night from my window?",

" what a stupid question Shaf. How would I know what you saw last night?",

"Ya guuuurl whatever. Listen Last night I saw, when I was peeping inside the window next to m-",

   " Asthagfirullah Shaf you peeped in someone else room just imagine when you were peeping you saw something you should not have seen you know what I meaaaaan",

   "Shut the fuck up and listen to me. Ya, I saw someone's back and that was the most handsome back a man could have. Muscular, well built, fair and sexy spongy back just like john cena's back!!!!!",

" Whaaaat! Really! Where!!!!? I wanna peep. I wanna see the sexy back! I will come to your room tonight just to examine the back", My creepy sister exclaimed.

      *Ding Dong*

"Aslamu alaikum mom" we both greeted our mom. Dad as always was working.

    "Hey monkey", I 'greeted' my brother well ya for me he is the monkey. My brother, as always playing in his phone.

Allah knows what he does on his phone.

He replied back: "Hey gorilla"

"Whatever donkey😒",

       "So how was your day  girls. Did you eat well. What did you bring for me", mom asked while washing the dishes.

"Yes mom wonderful day and mom we bought you chocolate cake and bro you can have leftovers Pizza"

    "Maaaa look at her she did not buy me good stuff. Don't let her go out again next time"

"Shaf shut up. Po(bro's nickname) here you are a mini box pizza", the most polite girl in the house aka my sister gave him.

   My bro and I shares a dramatic relationship. We claim to hate each other but we love each other dearly inside.

And my sister she is on her own. She is very calm but if you irritate her, just like I do, gurl go find a place to hide.

           *Dinner time*

Dinner time is always a cheerful one and I'm always the first to sit and to stuff my plate.

  "Shaf tomorrow you are going to work, right?", dad asked

"Yup dad",

"You know how to return home alone from work, right?",

"Of course dad don't worry I will return home by my own",

       ________After dinner________

After dinner we all went to our respective room except for my sister, she came into my room to see the handsome back.

"Whaaaat! How creepy we are",I thought.

"Hey sis where is the handsome back i can't see any back, oh wait wait shhhhh I can see a man walking I can't see his face. HEY SIS I CAN SEE HIS BACK!!!",

"Don't scream you idiot. Wait let ne switch off the light before he finds us peeping",

"Sis you were right sis his back is truly a charming one I wonder how he look like",


My sister's butt was flat on the floor.

"Shit shit shit he saw me looking what am I gonna do shaf he saw me peeping!",

"Youshra What thE HELL!How can you be so careless. You don't know how to peep in house. This is my room and he will think I was peeping. GOSH you can't do a single job",

"Hey shaf I don't have a degree in peeping at others house. I'm not a pro like you", after 2 secs of silence we both bursted into laughter.

"Please Allah make him forget the peeping incident",

"Relax Shaf the light was off he did not notice and I was hiding behind the curtain"

"U sure?",

"Umm.... N-yes... Shaf forget it and go to sleep. It's been a tiring day today and my feet are aching. You have to wake up early tomorrow you have got works to do. Lucky me I'm on my holidays",

"Ya lucky you",
we both went to sleep after the weird yet funny mission of peeping.


"Ya Allah help me with my works tomorrow and introduce me to good people because I am so new there", I prayed quietly and fell asleep

Short chapter, right?
I cant get enough ideas but I'm trying to refresh new and interesting ideas.😉
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