Chapter 12

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Youseff P.O.V

"Kenza why ar-e *clear throat* yo-u holding a preg- pregnancy test. Is everything OK?", I said very nervously. I was so scared.

"Youseff I have something very important to tell you and please don't get upset", she replied

'Oh god why is she playing with the words just tell me this is making me more nervous' I thought

*took a deep breath*"Youseff I am pregnant", she said and I was like: no you can't be pregnat with my child. I always use protection and we did not get in any physical contact since 1 month. You are definitely cheating on me. Please say that you are cheating on me. Please say that you slept with another guy. Please! You can't be pregnant with my child. I don't want to be a father now. What am I gonna do? My love for Shafyaa? I have just started getting feeling for her, how will I stop loving her.

"Youseff I am so so so SO sorry but this child is not yours", she said and hell ya I was the happiest person alive. For the first time ever I wanted to be cheated on and my prayer was accepted. I just wanted to smile broadly. I just wanted to go and hug Kenza kiss her every freaking where but I did not do that. I wanted to know why she cheated on me.

Meanwhile on my head: how can someone cheat on me. Look at me I am for sure the most handsome man alive. Big muscles, six packs sexy lips etcetera. How did she find someone more dashing than me.

"What was the reason for that", I asked with a serious tone but inside I was happy that she was not pregnant for me.

"Youseff actually since Shafyaa came which means 3 months we started to become apart. You were not yourself. Like you are not dedicate to me. I'm sorry but this relationship is not working for us. You remember when My best friend invited us in her party? I badly wanted you to accompany me but you did not because of work I guess. I was dancing alone at the party and a young man came towards me and proposed me a drink and that was how we fell in love and he did not have protection with him that is how I got pregnant with not your child.", She narrated and I barely listened all I heard was he did not have protection with him and she got pregnant for his child.

Marvelous! I was actually really happy for Kenza because I have seen the true love in her eyes when she was talking about the party guy. I was happy she found her true love. Gosh when she told me she was pregnant, you should have seen my face. I was like a desperate potato standing infront of her.

"I think I must quit the job now. I won't be able to work anymore. You have to find another Secretary. Can I suggest one?", she continued.

"I guess you must make Shafyaa your Secretary. She is a talented woman and if you teach her how to do the job, in less than a week she will understand", she said that and my mind was going like: wow I love you sooooooo much. What a great idea. In that case I can get closer to her. You have given me the world's greatest suggestion ever.

"Don't worry Shaf-I I mean kenza I'm not upset with you. I know I am not a good boyfriend at all. I am so happy you found your true love and congratulation to you", I was about to say Shafyaa. She was on my mind the whole time. I did not waste anytime to make Shafyaa my Secretary. It was kenza's last day in the office and I had organized an small farewell party for her and I was thinking of proposing Shafyaa not proposing to marry me of course it was so early she would have kick me in the nuts if I propose her at that time. I must first come closer to her so that she also receive some feelings for me.

Shafyaa P.O.V

"Why are we organising a farewell party tomorrow? Who is leaving? Let me ask Kenza she will tell me....

Kenza, why are we organising a farewell party tomorrow", I asked.

She said: "I'm leaving the job. Actually I am pregnant"

My thoughts

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! Is she pregnant? When did she get married? Youseff married her? How fast they made a child. Is she even married? Youseff is a muslim and how can he get a girl pregnant without marriage. Freaking awful! I was so right to stop loving him.

*clear throat* "You are pregnant? For wh-om. When did you get married to Youseff?"

" wait no no no I am not married",  she said and I was like: Allah where is this world going. Youseff made a girl pregnant before marriage.

"And the kid is not for Youseff", Another shock. Thoughts: she was dating Youseff so how come the baby is not for him. Phew thank God. I did not know why I was happy when she said the baby is not Youseff. But I was a bit disgusted. Freaking ewww.

"Actually I found my true love and he is not Youseff", she said. Ok so she cheated on him.

Hahahahahahaha why was my mind laughing? Well because, Youseff who always think that every girl would die for him has been cheated on. I so wanted to tease him. Laugh at his face. Wait who is going to his secretary now?

"Oh and Youseff will make you his secretary", the smile on my face vanished and I was standing there thinking: 'how am I going to work with him all day in his office. Girl I will be having goosebumps every time  he look at me with his sexy eyes.

But there was also an advantage in it. I will be receiving a higher salary.

In my room

"Sis I will be the Secretary of my crush or ex-crush. He will announce it  tomorrow.",

"Not ex-crush. I bet you still have feeling for him. Ou la la la la romantic scenes in the office.", after 2 seconds of silence we broke out into laughter.

"Why are you girls laughing so loud",

"No-nothing mom we are watching a funny movie", my mom said and we sighed with relief.

Chapter 12 peeps😉
This is actually a bit funny if you put you in the place of Youseff😄

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"Coming soon friends😊",

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