Jayla grabbed the jacket and slipped it on. It brought her outfit together nicely and I gave her a thumbs up.

"I don't have to ask and damn daddy. Who you getting all nice for? If it's for me, I'm flattered, but I have a girlfriend."

Jayla rolled her eyes at my joke.

"I'm not getting nice for anyone. I'm literally just wearing a plain black shirt and jeans. This is a simple chain and an old ass jacket. The flyest thing on me is my shoes and I doubt I'm gonna pull a bitch because of some Jordan's."

Someone's defensive.

"Well, you make plain, simple, and old look mighty good." I told the girl and she sighed.

"Well, I'm not trying. I just didn't want to look like a bum since your mom is taking us out. Besides, why can't I look good just to look good? I don't have anyone to impress and even if I did, I wouldn't dress a certain way for them."

Again. Someone's defensive.

"Okay, Jay." I said letting the girl win because I wasn't about to argue about something so obvious. She was trying to look good for Niya.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" The girl asked and I shrugged.

"We aren't leaving for another hour."

"No, you dumbass. We're leaving in like twenty minutes."

I furrowed my eyebrows at my friend.

"I thought we were going at 6?"

"It's 5:37, Daniella."

Jayla wore the straightest face ever and that only made me feel like an even bigger dumbass. I guess I got distracted and lost track of time.

"Oh. Well, I guess I better get ready." I laughed despite myself and started searching for something to throw on. I settled on a white shirt, ripped black jeans and my pair of checkered sk8 hi vans. I put on a jean jacket and left it at that. My hair was down it's natural curls and as always, I looked fine as fuck.

"You look really good for someone that just found an outfit and got dressed in less than five minutes." Jayla gave me a half ass compliment and I glared at her.

"Bitch, I look good period. Don't play me, witcho bald headed ass."

Jayla laughed at my verbal attack.

"Damn hoe. I didn't mean that in a bad way. It takes skill to be able to pull something like that off." The girl clarified. "And my hair is growing back, so you can call me bald headed all you want, but just wait until I grow my shit back out. You stay talking shit about my hair, but Nadia never complained about it. And your sister didn't either. So shit."

That little bitch.

"First of all, keep my wife out of this and don't talk about my sister like that either since you feel the need to toy with her emotions." I said making the girl screw her face up at me.

"How the hell have I been toying with her emotions? She hasn't even spoken to me since Christmas. If anything she's toying with my emotions."

Well, that went from playful to serious real quick.

"She hasn't spoken to you since Christmas?" I asked the girl and she let out a sad sigh.

"Nope. Not a single word. She barely even looks at me and there was a point in time when I couldn't get her weird ass to stop staring at me. I didn't even do anything to her."

Jayla sat down on her bed and pouted like a big kid. I thought it was cute, but I refrained from saying that because she'd probably get mad.

"Have you tried talking to her?"

Sex, Love, and Basketball *Books 1 and 2* (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now