Author's Note

17.5K 383 17

Hey guys,

Sorry for making you think this was an update.

I was thinking. 

I'm NOT going to make a sequel to this book.

It would ruin it.

I am working on a concept for another werewolf book that wont be out for a long while. (It's still just a thought)

So, what if that book was a spin off of this one?

Who would the main character be?




Kylie? (The little rogue girl from the beginning of the book)

Kylie's mother? (Perhaps she's a single mom)

Robert? (Ryder's 3rd in Command)

A future character perhaps?

Or maybe I should just start fresh with all new characters?

By the way, any of the characters listed above could still die in the book. Then they definitely can't be in the spin off. 

It was bugging me and I couldn't wait two days. I would forget. 

I'll probably delete all the Author's Note Updates when I'm editting the whole story. By then, they wont matter anyway.

Since I interrupted your evening and got you all excited for an update (sorry again) 

I'll give you some book stats!

Btw I use Kingsoft instead of Microsoft Word. Kingsoft is free and is basically the same thing. I'm too cheep and I don't want to buy Microsoft Office with my own money.

Kingsoft Stats:

Pages: 90

Words: 42,146

Wattpad Stats:

Pages: 50

Parts: 30

Werewolf #399

Teen Fiction #956

Reads: 4,893

Votes: 224

Comments: 17


Maybe tomorrow if I feel like it ;)

Love you guys!

Remember to vote on everything you read! :3

Anubis xx

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