Ch. 10

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Katsuki's POV:


Todoroki raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Say it, just tell him! We are already mates goddamn it!

"I- I lo--"

That's the way to go Katsuki, say that you love him!

"Lo- Look forward to spending more time here in this house, I'm very greatful for your kindness! Hahaha..."

He narrowed his eyes in suspision.

"You're awfully polite, it's honestly a bit terrifying.."

His voice softened. "Mind telling me what's up? Do you feel sick?"

I sighed, tilting my head up to meet his gaze.

"It's nothing, just a bit tired. Don't worry about me."

The look on my face was probably strained, and my cheeks undoubtedly rose red.

"You're blushing.."

"Shut it ya damn perv!"

I grabbed the closest pillow me attempting to hit him with it, but he caught it the second before it hit his pretty face.

"Hey, I'm not the pervert here! You're obviously the lewd one."

He had a rather playful expression on his face, resembling the one of an excited puppy.

"Nooo!" I wailed, extremely embarrassed while throwing another pillow at him. It was as obvious as it could get that I was aiming for his face.

This time he just smoothly dodged it by leaning his torso to the side.

"Totally~ I know you were about to say something else before. You'd never be so polite unless you lied."

He was clearly teasing me, litterally trying to make me spell out the truth for him.

"Get off my ass, bastard!"

Grinning in amusement, he threw the first pillow back at me, pulling a clean headshot.

"See? You have a really sharp tongue. So, spill it."

I growled in frustration.

"I.. uh, I love... you. Ugh..!"

I Mumbled it into the pillow that I held pressed against my face. Possibly, loud enough for him hear me.

"Did I hear it wrong just now, or did you actually say...?"

My cheeks turned redder than a fucking tomato as he looked at me, confused by my confession.


I still hid my face behind the pillow.
The feeling of wanting to die of shame and embarrassment was greater than the one to live at the moment.

"You're so cute Katsuki! I wanna hug you~ ♡"

He snatched the pillow and closed in on me with his hands ready to embrace me, but I held him back with my hand against his chest. I would totally die of embarrassment if he hugged me.

"Stay back you shitty pervert!!"

Ashamed by my choice of words, I heard a familiar chuckle.
He gently removed my hand and smiled.

"Ouch, almost hurt my feelings there, honey. I know you don't mean it though."

He was completely correct, I didn't mean it at all.
I wanted to be held by him, but my body always turned so weak under his touch.

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