Ch. 33

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• 18 years post chapter 32 •

Katsuki's POV:

To think that 18 whole years had gone by so quickly. All four of our kids were growing up way faster than Shōto and I wanted them to.

Both Akatsuki and Shirayuki already had mates. Akatsuki mated at the age of 16, but it didn't come as a surprise to anyone as she and her mate, Yui Shinsō, had been inseparable all their lives. Yui was Denki's daughter, so they'd literally known each other since Yui was born. Even though they mated at such a young age, they were both very sure of their decision. Akatsuki was now 20 years old and was happily living together with Yui, enjoying every second they spent together.

Shirayuki on the other hand, didn't have a sweet and convenient love-story. He, as usual, had the worst luck, and recently met his soulmate in school; the day she transferred to his class... The bond made both of them lose control and give in to their instincts. Shirayuki's mate, Izumi Aizawa, didn't even have time to introduce herself to the class before the bond made her attack him. Shirayuki was so affected by her pheromones that he instinctively removed his collar, and she bit him in front of the whole class.

It had been nine months since then, and neither of them had fully come to terms with their accidental mating yet, but that was to be expected. They were both only 18 years old and bound for life to a stranger. Heck, they didn't even get along as Shirayuki was a very loud, hot-headed person with a sharp tongue while Izumi was pretty quiet, gloomy and snarky.

Shirayuki definitely had started to catch real feelings for Izumi, but she wasn't really on the same page yet. I had a feeling their feelings would eventually become mutual, but it would probably take a while.

Shōto and I had two younger daughters as well. Our second youngest daughter, Amaterasu, was 14 years old. She was a very social, honest and easygoing girl unlike the rest of the chaotic Todoroki family members. She was our significantly necessary peacemaker. Despite being so young, she'd already started her dream career as an actress. Katsuki and I were hesitant about the whole child actress thing in the beginning, but seeing how hard she worked and how fond of acting she was, how could we possibly say no? Of course we, as her parents, kept a close eye on her so that she wouldn't end up taking any sketchy or harmful jobs.

Our youngest's name was Nadeshiko. She was only nine years old, but she was nothing like the other kids her age. She was the definition of introverted; completely uninterested in making friends or socialising at all. She did have a huge interest in martial arts though, and that was an interest she'd  had since she was just a toddler. Shōto and I let her join a kendō club for kids when she was five years old, and she instantly got attached, wanting to join more martial arts clubs. She was currently training three kinds of martial arts; kendō, iaido and jujutsu.

Our three daughters were all alphas, Akatsuki and Nadeshiko both even being dominant alphas like Shōto. Shirayuki was an omega like myself, but he had the build of a normal omega unlike me. Nadeshiko hadn't grown taller than him yet, but Amaterasu was already taller and Akatsuki was even taller than me. We all knew Shirayuki already had stopped growing and would stay 166 centimetres tall, but he stubbornly clung to the hope of him one day growing taller... It had to be hard for him to be born an omega when his dad and sisters were all alphas; poor thing.

I sighed thinking about the past 20 years. How did time fly by so quickly?

"What are you thinking about?" Shōto asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

He was in the middle of putting his silky, waist-long locks up in a messy half-up bun as I shifted my attention to him.

Him with long hair was indescribably hot. His unique half red-half white hair was like made for being long, and frankly I couldn't even picture him with short hair anymore.

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