Nadeshiko & Naomi's Story: pt. 1

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Some general information about the fourth extra story, Nadeshiko & Naomi's story:
• Naomi Shimura is the youngest child of Rumi Usagiyama & Tenko Shimura (aka Tomura Shigaraki). She has an older brother named Ayato Shimura.
• Nadeshiko & Naomi are not soulmates.
• Nadeshiko is a dominant alpha & Naomi is a dominant omega.

Naomi's POV:

Six years had passed by since I won against my childhood rival, Nadeshiko Todoroki, in the national kendō championship and went to Kyōto to be trained by the best kendōkas in the world. My guess would be that she still resented me for winning and with that granted the honour of being the sole apprentice of the world's best kendōkas. I stole her dream away from her, but I didn't regret anything; it was my dream too after all.

I had now finished my training in Kyōto, and was back in Tōkyō where I'd spent the first 14 years of my life. My mom, dad and older brother had all welcomed me with open arms and countless questions. To be back home after such a long time, actually felt rather nice. I had the whole upper floor at home for myself as Ayato had gotten married to his mate, Rie Chisaki, or as she's now called, Rie Shimura, and moved out.

After a long day of celebrating my return, I decided to take a break from socialising and pay a visit to the dōjō Nadeshiko and I used to train in together as kids. The dōjō wasn't very far from my house, so I grabbed my shinai and jogged there.

Once outside the dōjō, I stopped to admire its beautiful, traditional architecture. It really was as gorgeous as I remembered it to be. My lips curled into a small smile before I walked towards the sliding doors. The door was unlocked, so I opened it without thinking much about it.

I slipped my shoes off and stepped inside, closing the door behind me. No one seemed to be inside, so I took the liberty to look around, feeling the nostalgia as I did.

"What a surprise. It's been a while, Naomi." I heard a voice say behind me as I observed the neatly constructed armours along the wall.

I hadn't even noticed as she entered, but I turned around to see a very familiar face. She had definitely grown taller than expected, and her pheromones were way stronger than those of a normal alpha.

"It certainly has, Nadeshiko." I replied, an intrigued smirk taking shape on my lips as I met her intense, crimson eyes.

Her pale, peach coloured hair was tied up in a ponytail, her traditional Japanese style bangs framing her undeniably pretty face.

"You've grown very tall since I last saw you. How tall are you now, exactly?" I curiously asked as she was at least a head taller than me.

She thought for a short moment before answering my question.

"1,80 metres, I think? Quite short for being a dominant alpha. Speaking of that; it seems you turned out to be a dominant omega, huh? I was sure you'd at least be a beta with your strength. Then again, mom is also a dominant omega, and he's strong as hell too." She mentioned with a shrug.

I nodded as she was right. I found out I was a dominant omega when I was 15 years old, one year after I'd started my training in Kyōto.

"Yes, I am. Being an omega hasn't stopped me from becoming stronger as a kendōka though. The current best kendōkas in the world are all alphas, but I won't back down just because I'm an omega. I will be the first omega to become one of the best kendōkas alive no matter what." I stated with a determined tone in my voice as I was fully set on achieving my goal.

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