Special Chapter

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This is a special chapter requested by a precious reader of Destiny.

In this special chapter, Shōto will be an Omega and Katsuki an Alpha. I'm going to go back, having them meet for the first time again. This time, their story will be completely different though!


((THIS CHAPTER WILL CONTAIN SEXUAL INTERCOURSE. You have been warned, so you read on your own risk.))

Katsuki's POV:

"Haah!? How the hell do you expect me to take orders from a shitty little Omega like you? There's no way I'll agree to this!"

Those were the first words I said- no, yelled at my completely new boss.
The boss I never thought would make me into such a soft loser in the future.

It was my first day as an employee at my second workplace since graduating university.

The reason why I said something as rude and disrespectful as that to my boss, was because of something I'd forever have to eat shit for..

I'd just found out that my boss, Todoroki Shōto, was an Omega.

Everyone in the office was staring at me with eyes wide open, some of them almost containing faint glints of pity.

The only one whose eyes wasn't directed towards me, was the male Omega's in front of me. His bangs were long enough for me not to be able to see his eyes from that angle. At least not until he turned his head up, his cold eyes meeting mine. He reached up and firmly grabbed my tie, pulling me closer to his face.

"Omega or not; I am your boss, and you will obey me whether you like it or not. If you desire to keep your damn job, know your place. Am I making myself clear, Bakugō Katsuki?"

His voice was stern, and so was his expression.

I couldn't do anything but to slowly nod in response. His words had taken me aback completely. He radiated a larger amount of confidence and superiority than any other Omega I'd ever came across before. He even had me, an Alpha with a burning hatred for Omegas, impressed.

He let go of my tie and turned around, leaving me with my mouth agape as he walked away from the scene.

As soon as he was out of sight, I heard how my coworkers started to whisper about what just happened. They didn't seem to care about me still being in the room at all. As long as Todoroki-san wasn't around, they had enough courage to let their whispering run wild. It pissed me off.

I directed a threatening glance towards the office desks, shutting some of them up before I took a seat by my table.

Todoroki Shōto, huh? Something about him really caught my interest, and I was left unable to focus on my work because of it.


• • •

A couple of weeks passed by, my interest in Todoroki-san fading as time went by. Before long, I'd started to get to know my coworkers. I even got along with some of them as well as to call them friends. My everyday life had become a routine; waking up, going to work, returning home, eating dinner, jerking off and going to sleep. Nothing interesting happened, and that was comfortable in one way, but boring in another. Well, things were boring until one night when I had to stay late at the office, working overtime.

I was completely alone in the building. The others' shifts all ended at either 17:30 or 18:30, but I had a project to finish before going home. Once in a flow, I ended up losing track of time, but eventually looked up from my work to realise it was as late as 10:47 PM.

Deciding it was time to leave, I grabbed my personal belongings, and left the room.

As I passed by Todoroki-san's office, I couldn't help but to pay a glance at the door. It was slightly ajar, the lights still on inside the room.

I shook my head. It was none of my business, I'd be better off pretending not to have noticed.

Just as I was about to keep walking, a soft moan was heard from inside the room. With the moan, a strong, sweet scent followed. A scent I couldn't stop myself from being lured in by.

Opening the door that already stood ajar, I saw Todoroki-san laying on the floor.

He was panting heavily, his cheeks flushing bright red. He opened his eyes as he noticed my presence, our gazes meeting.

It was obvious, Todoroki-san was in heat. Omegas went into heat for around a week once a month. It was how the Omega body signalled it was ready to host an offspring by sending out pheromones to attract alphas, unless the Omega already had a mate; then the pheromones would only attract the mate.

Just my luck.. I happened to be an Alpha, controlled by Alpha instincts... Having an Omega in heat in front of me wasn't good; not at all. At that rate, I wouldn't be able to control myself.

Heavy shivers were sent down my spine as I desperately attempted to cover my nose and mouth with my hands.

It wasn't helping in the least.

Not being able to restrain myself any longer, I approached him.
To my surprise, he didn't seem to show any signs of resistance either..?

Shōto's POV:

Normally, I'd never let an Alpha get close to me; let alone Bakugō Katsuki.. He really wasn't anyone I'd put on my "Alpha I can concider mating with" list. Yet, I just couldn't reject him... It somehow felt so right, so natural being approached by Bakugō-san.

He hesitated for a faint moment before reaching his hand out, as if he wanted to help me up instead of greedily putting his hands on me.

Surprised, I took his hand. As soon as our skin touched, an intense feeling of  lust washed over me. He pulled me up despite the fact that he was obviously restraining himself too much. He tried his best putting on a smile, but the pain he felt was clear on his face.

He led me to the small couch inside the room, and I sat down on it.

"T-Thank you.. Bakugō..."

I was surprised having learnt that he actually had an unexpectedly kind side to him. Normally, he'd just be a noisy, aggressive and rude brat with a bad temper.

I felt bad for making him help me out even though it was very difficult for him. How could I help putting him at ease?

Of course, I already knew the answer to that question.

"It was nothing. Ya have any heat suppressants? I'll get em for y--"

I gently grabbed his hand with a suggestive look on my face.

"Don't worry about it. You're not feeling so well yourself, right? Let me thank you by making you feel good."

Bakugō's eyes widened in surprise as he listened to my words.

"You should be resting! You really don't have to do anything like that! I can fix it at home!"

Ignoring him, I pulled him towards me.

"Don't look down on me, Bakugō. That's the no. 1 rule, kapiche?"

Bakugō's lips curled into a slightly uncertain grin.

"I- I guess it can't be helped then.."

Heh. That brat.. To think I'd be stuck with him after that, huh?

TodoBaku, Destinyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें