Ch. 7

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Katsuki's POV:

I was counting the seconds between the faint beeping noise which I had no clue where it came from.
I could only hear, not see or move.
As if my soul was trapped inside an empty shell.

My mind was awake, but my body refused to wake up together with it.
It was frustrating. I'd even say, incredibly frustrating.

I had grown tired of counting. I was pretty sure I had been doing that for a very long time now.

Around every other hour, I'd hear a door open. Light footsteps would enter whatever room I was laying in.

It'd rustle for a short moment and I'd feel small gentle hands grab my arm. A sting would follow shortly after.

Strangely, I wasn't afraid.
Something about the person's touch remended me of my mom.

Was she okay? Nothing had happened to her right?

All those thoughts had been running through my mind ever since the moment it woke up.

Todoroki too.
He was so brave.
I would never be able to pay him back for breaking into my house to save me.

I had figured out by now that he knew I was in danger because of the bond.
For the first time in my life I blessed the existence of it.

My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening.
Ah, was it that person again?

Instead of calm, gentle steps, these sounded rushed. The heels almost stomped to the ground in a rapid speed, making their way towards me.

"Katsuki.. I'm so sorry... It's all my fault, I should've been there to protect you. Please wake up.. I'm begging you, come back! I won't ever let this happen again, I promise, so please!"

It was my mom's voice.

She was begging with a panicked voice as she grabbed my hand tightly, squeezing it.
She was obviously in full tears.

I wanted to squeeze back, but it was impossible.

However, it didn't make me sad at all. Just knowing she was alright brought me enough happiness.

"Come home... The hospital bed must be very uncomfortable, so if you wake up you can sleep in your own bed.. okay..?"

Her voice was trembling and she squeezed my hand even harder.

It made sense now. I was at the hospital, just as I thought.

"Todoroki is waiting for you as well, he's very worried. He's been visiting you many times. Almost every day to be honest."

The second she mentioned Todoroki, I felt like running away in embarrassment. my body tensed up and not long after, I felt my finger flick.

My mom noticed it too.

I could hear her breath as she gasped.


She was just as noisy as ever..

Shortly after, more steps followed and I instantly recognized an unique, sugar sweet scent. The scent of Todoroki

Suddenly, I could slightly move my hand.

His scent.. it was so tempting, so alluring. I wanted him to come closer. Close enough for me to feel his body tightly pressed against mine, not letting me go.

His scent closed in.

My thoughts were now wandering off to a place I had avoided my entire life. I had always been frightened by the unknown, but for the first time, I felt no fear by the thought of exploring.

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