Ch. 5

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(This part includes CHILD ABUSE, ABUSE, SEXUAL HARASSMENT and MENTAL DISORDERS. You have been warned, so if you're sensitive and read despite my warnings, kindly do NOT report.)

Katsuki's POV:

My mind had gone entirely blank.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I beg you! Stop, please forgive me!"

Words from the past me echoed inside my head.

My blood felt as if it had frozen into ice, and I was shaking in fear.

The man who had abused me and my mother during eleven years of my life, dared to show his filthy face to us again.

For 12 years, I thought that he was gone from our lives for good, that he wouldn't find us again.

Apparently, I was wrong.

A shiver went down my spine as I thought of what he could have done to my mom to get into our apartment.

The andredaline rushed to my head and before I knew it, I had opened the door with a powerful tug.

I stood facing the man who was supposed to be my father.

My eyes was filled with hatred and disgust while his didn't even show the slightest bit of emotion.

I grabbed the slightly taller man's shoulder and pushed him to the side with greater force than I intended to.

My mind was set on finding my mom as I rushed past him on instinct.

No matter where I searched, I couldn't find her anywhere. I started to panic.

What did he do to her?

I went back to where he stood brushing his jacket off, and roughly grabbed his collar.

I stared into his lifeless orbs.

"What have you done to her?"

My voice was low and thretening.

"Katsuki! It's nice to see you ag--"

I instantly interrupted him.


I was pretty sure my yell was too loud to be unclear.

A laughter was heard from the man I held in a stone grip.

"I haven't touched her. She wasn't at home when I arrived. She's probably out sleeping with some man, being the whore she is!"

Now his eyes didn't lack emotions anymore. Instead they were wide open, expressing pure insanity.

I was furious.

He had insulted my mom like that in front of me and my body moved on it's own.

With a mix of fear from the past and anger from the present, I swung my clenched fist at him.
In just a matter of milliseconds it would mess his sick grin up.

Just when I was about an inch from hitting his face, I abruptly stopped.
His eyes told me he was plotting something.

Did he want me to hit him for some reason..?

I didn't let go of my stone grip as I shot him a deadly glare, my fist still in the same position.

"What are your intentions? I know you're not here for a cozy family reunion, you piece of trash."

I looked at him with my orbs now a darker shade of crimson, as they reflected my hatred.

He just kept grinning, not saying a single word in response.

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