Ch. 14

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Shōto's POV:

"Hold on. You're joking, right?"

My forehead was damp with sweat as he put his hands on my chest, seductively sliding them down my torso.

His expression was one that I had never seen on his face before. It was sharp and his lips were curled into a smirk, which quickly made me realise he was experienced with the top role already.

"I'm serious. Just because I'm an Omega doesn't mean I can't fuck like an Alpha."

His words had my jaw drop, lacking the words for a reply.
The unfamiliar dominance of his I had just gotten to experience, had certainly caught my interest. I was curious of what I would get to know about Katsuki if I decided to use this situation to explore this new side of him.
Even though I was frightened of spotting something new about myself as well, it wouldn't kill me to let him do me this once, right?

"Fine. I said anything, and I'm a man of my word. If this is what you truly want, Katsuki, I won't put up a struggle."

I had a strange feeling I would have to eat those words later.

"Ya better not..! I'll be gentle, so don't worry. Imma treat you really well and make you feel good."

His voice was low, but soothingly soft. I hadn't really thought about his larger than average size for Omegas before now. His fit built and tall figure was bound to confuse any stranger walking by him due to his strong Alpha genes. If you saw him on the streets as a stranger, you'd most likely think he was a Beta or even an Alpha.

The way he caressed me was different from normal. His touch was dominant and his eyes gleamed with passion as his fingers slid across the bare skin under my shirt, having me in shivers. His breaths tickled against my ear when he suddenly chuckled.

"Relax, man. You're all tense."

I felt his teeth gently nibble on the edge of my ear, sending a tingling sensation down my torso which settled in my stomach.
It frightened me how my body reacted like that.
Why did I feel so good by something as simple as his teeth softly biting my ear?
I wondered if he felt the same way when I touched him like that?
I couldn't help but to wonder what he'd be feeling when I did this to him.

He moved his head away from my ear to face me with a sharp gaze, as if he was reading my mind.



He suddenly grabbed my hand, not firmly, neither gently. I quickly understood where he was leading me; to the bedroom. His grip was a bit tighter than usual, as if he expected me to escape any second.

I exhaled deeply before I stopped halfway there, making him turn around to check up on me.
Putting my free hand on his cheek, I met his crimson gaze with a calm smile on my lips.

"Don't worry, Katsuki. Because it's you, I won't run away."

His grip around my hand loosened, and the atmosphere suddenly went from rather tense, to warm and somehow insanely erotic.
He pulled me close to him, his fingertips brushing over my jawline.

"Thanks. I love you so much I just can't hold back anymore.. You know, I'm a man too."

Katsuki's POV:

It didn't take long until I had Shouto on the bed.
Preparing his entrance (*whispers* Asshole!! <(° 3 °)>), was a rather long process as he was completely inexperienced with being a bottom.

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