i can't anymore

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request by purplefangir1

Danielle POV

you would of thought being married would be a great wonderful thing. but nope its fucking horrible even being married to your childhood best friend nope. it was wonderful the first three and half years but now all we do is argue and its so stressful. I was sitting at the dinning room table. I heard the door open then shut.
'hey babe' bill said as he walk in the dinning room.
'your home pretty late I thought filming was done at 5 its 10:50' I said. bill sigh.
'I went out with Landon to catch up'
' do you know what today is?' I said as I stared at the wine glass.
'its Tuesday second day of the week' is he fucken serious. did he seriously forgot that today is the day we first met in the 3rd grade where he beat up the kids that stole my 96 package of crayola cryans and called me names.
'really an certain anniversary isn't today' I said as I grip harder on the glass. all I got was a blank stare.
'today was the day we first met'
'oh really?'
'wow' then he walk in the kitchen.
'I've made dinner and had planned today to do with you' all my work and effort I did into the dinner and stuff.
'we can still celebrate'
'no because I made reservations for us at museum we liked to go to and take a tour it was at 6 it too late'
'well I'm sorry I wanted to catch up with my friend and forgot it was an important day today just calm down danielle' some thing pop in me.
'calm down bill no I won't we barely have time for each other when we do we just argue over bullshit' I stood up.
'well if you weren't always acting like a bitch most of the time then I'll maybe want to spend time with you'
' I can't do this anymore' I said his face soften
'I want a divorce' after I said that I rush to our room slamming the door sliding down it crying.
bill POV

its been an hour and a half I had my head in my hands in the guest bedroom. I fuck up I fuck up bad I need to fix this. when I went to our shared bedroom I saw her cuddling my pillow on my side of the bed. I smiled until I got closer and saw her tear stain face. it broke my heart. I got in the covers and cuddle her.
'I'm so sorry please forgive me' she shifted and face me then cuddled me back.
'its okay I just wanna stop fighting and I don't want a divorce'
'I love you'
'love you too' I kiss her forehead.

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