"We were just talking about if I should beat Andy for doing the you know what with Megan."

"And I said I don't need your protection," Megan shot back.

Joshua stuck out his tongue at her.

"I'm trying to be a great friend! I, as the designated father figure in this group, have to intimidate and beat up anyone who hurt my crew. And since it had to hurt when you guys did that because I know you're a virgin, I have to beat the shit out of him."

"Isn't that kind of talking sexual harassment in some cases?" Megan inquired a lot as she glanced around, making sure no one heard what Joshua just said before continuing her talking, "Joshua you need to seriously shut up about this right now while we're at school as well. No questioning him. At all."


"I said no buts!"

"No buts about...?"

Speaking of the devil. We all turned our heads to see Andy behind us. Easily reaching up to our pace, Andy walked besides her before pulling Megan in for a kiss.

Gag me.

Although I would kiss Calvin. I would never do it in front of my friends or in school in general if given the chance. Calvin must have noticed my grossed out expression.

"Not a fan of PDA?"

"Don't even think about it," I said as I fiddled with my lock on the locker and opening it to get the necessary things I needed for my morning classes. Shrugging off my jacket, I continued to place my articles of clothings I didn't need in there as I here Joshua try his hardest not to crack a joke about sex between them.

"You okay?"

That was the simple question that even to this day, had such a huge impact on me.

"Yeah, why?" I asked with an arched eyebrow at his question.

"It's just that I could never tell what's going on in that head of yours," Calvin said in wonder quietly.

I made a meek wave at his comment, huffing.

"Not like I can tell what's going through your head half the time either," I pointed out as I shut my locker door.

"Nothing's really interesting about what's going through my head compared to you," he countered as he flicked my forehead gently.

I rolled my eyes at his comment as I held the books I needed today. He looked at it and frowned.

"Now, this won't work."

I raised one of my eyebrows in question to him.

He continued to frown as he removed the books from one of my hands, freeing a hand before interlocking my fingers with his in satisfaction.

"You should have one of your free hand always free for me, angel," he said in a teasing why.

"Fucking gag me," Joshua said as he made a choking imitation.

"You're just jealous," Calvin commented.

"Please, I can get a girlfriend with the snap of my fingers. I just choose to stay single because I want to play around while I can. I mean...with my good looks, you don't think just any regular girl can handle this right?" Joshua grinned and practically beamed with self confidence as we stared at home with no emotions in our eyes.

He frowned when no one would look at him.

"Welp, I'm going to get to my first class because you guys are just a major overkill. You're face expression you just gave me are almost alike! But then again...studies showed that overtime, couples start to adapt almost the same face structure or something," he commented before strolling down the crowded halls n the opposite direction from us.

"I honestly can't wait until he gets a girlfriend," I said, shaking my head.

"Him? With a girlfriend? I can't imagine it," Calvin said with an arched eyebrow as he looked up, probably daydreaming who in the right mind would Joshua fall for and vice versa.

I laughed.

"Don't be mean. I mean...he isn't that bad! He just didn't find the one that makes him run for his money yet," I amusedly said as I examined him.

"Don't you need to get your books?" I inquired.

He shrugged, "I mean we are in the same calculus class with Mr.Martin. Not to mention we're partners in that class. So I'll just glance over at your textbook."

"What about your notebook?"

"Not to brag but I think I'm pretty smart in every class with the perfect 4.0."

"Your GPA is a 4.0?" I asked, impressed if that was true.

"What? You think I'm dumb?" Calvin asked as he faked hurt.

I lightly punched him for making that comment.

"Well no but...I mean I knew you were smart but to be able to have a perfect GPA is amazing."

"Well, it's my last year in school so I might as well learn as much as I can," he easily said, chuckling, trying to make the best of the situation.

My eyes softened.

"Calvin...." I said lamely as I tightened my grip on his hand that was intertwined with mine.

"It's fine. No big deal," he said but I knew he was lying.

Although I had a bit of a difficult time understanding him and what he was thinking, I knew what he was thinking at that moment.

That wasn't true.


Donations can be made here: paypal.me/HisBeautifulMess

Reasons to Live: 35. "When you start to doubt yourself, look back at the road and how far you've come to be here. Remember everything you faced. Remember the hopeless and hardship you felt and faced. Remember all the battles you have won to get here and all the fears you had overcome. This is just that. Keep walking down the road with your head held high. It'll be worth it. No one can play your part."

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