Chapter Twenty-two

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I was in disbelief and in denial. The Prince couldn't possibly be here. Not when I was just starting to live. Not when I was just starting to love.

But seeing him looking all smug in his finely tailored garments and the golden crown glistening from his head made me furious.

I couldn't believe he would have the gull to stand before me after what he'd done to my people then expect me to become his wife. It was madness.

" My dearest Somanca, so fair and radiant as the rising sun. The woman whom I desire to be mine. When I heard you were here I thought surely they must be jesting.

" I told my messenger that he was mistaken. Surely my wife to be would come to me the minute she returned from her long journey and yet here you are, living with the creatures who have killed your mother and sleeping in the arms of another, a woman no less."

" I do not recall promising myself to any one. And even if you were the last man to roam this realm and the survival of human kind depended on us I would kill myself before being shackled to you, you demon," I snarled in distaste.

His face became shrouded with anger when he heard my words. "Now now my dear, there is no reason for name calling. Even though you are dearest to me I will not hesitate to put you in your place."

He turned away from me to face the chief who stood tense and guarded a few feet away. His son was flanking him and so were his strongest warriors.

" Chief Coyek, it has been long since we last spoke. And I must say I find your treachery quite astonishing but we will discuss that another time. Right now I suggest you throw a feast in honour of myself and my wife-to-be and maybe I will forget about your deceiving me. "

The chief glanced at me and I pleaded with my eyes for him to refuse the prince's orders but he just frowned apologetic then gave the order for the preparation of the feast. He was considering the safety of his people. Refusing the Prince would bring calamitous consequences to his village and as much as I hated to admit it he was right to listen to the Prince. I just wished his submission to the cruel tyrant did not stab at my heart.

" If you value that lass beside you healer Somanca you would share a hut with my wives to prepare for the feast. And I suggest you make your decision now while I'm in a jovial mood. "

I turned to gaze at Amanti who stared back at me with an unreadable expression. Deities, how I wished I could make her smile and reassure her that I would return to her yet I knew that if I did what I was told it would be the last I would ever see her. And at the same time I wanted her safe and unharmed even at the cost of my own happiness.

" Don't do it, Somanca. Don't," she pleaded.

" I must, Amanti. I'm doing this for you, " I said. When she tried to hold me I pulled away from her and I saw pain flash through her eyes. " My heart is yours now and forever. "

After having said that I was escorted to some other hut by one of the prince's guards. I fought to look back at my love. I refused to believe that I would never see her again.

Even as the prince gave the order to have her restrained I believed she would fight for me for she was my Knight.

The guard pushed me into a hut then stationed himself right at the entrance blocking my only way out , his right hand fixed on the hit of his sword.

Feminine hands circled my waist. While a beautifully dressed maiden stepped in front of me. But she was not an ordinary maiden, she was the Prince's first wife. And I could guess that the one touching me was Velera, the second wife.

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