Chapter Seven

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I woke up with jolt when I felt a featherlight touch caressing my face. I looked around vigilantly but nothing was amiss. A light chuckle filled the air. It belonged to a lady no doubt.  I got up quickly and followed the sound of the sing-song voice that filled the air. There was a thick layer of fog covering the forest. I couldn't see clearly through the fog but I could feel a presence gliding through the dense fog.

" Who are you?" I looked around in panic. " Show yourself."

The strange presence just laughed hauntingly, the sound like chiming bells to my ears. I jumped in fright when I felt a fingers ghosting over my neck.

" Do not fear, " said the strange entity.
" What are you?"

" I'm the guardian of this forest. My name is Raeya." The entity introduced itself. The thickness of the fog became thinner until I could make out Raeya. My eyes bulged in astonishment. Her beauty was beguiling and mesmerizing.

Her skin was a rich sage green. Her hair a fiery red. She was wearing a leafy loincloth. Flowers and leaves covered her bosom. A crown of bright colourful flowers adorned her hair. Her eyes were golden and warm but filled with mischief. She was the epitome of nature and beauty.

" What do you want from me?" I asked shakily. I was just waiting for the moment she'd reveal her true self or what I assumed would be her true self. I was expecting a monster no less. A monster that would toy with my emotions then devour me. Why else would she lead me away from my protection. I didn't buy her overly friendly attitude.

" I wanted to meet the daughter of Calima. It's such an honour to meet you, bringer of life. " She flashed me a grin, a pink blush flooding her green cheeks.

" I'm not Calima's daughter, Raeya. I'm just a healer, " I said apologetically.

" No, no," she shook her head, a clear sign that I was talking nonsense. " I feel her through you."

I decided to just keep silent. It wouldn't benefit me in the slightest to argue over something so trivial. Let her keep thinking that I was the actual daughter of Calima. It was better than just being Somanca the healer.

" I must warn you, Somanca. Great dangers await you. You have to be careful of whom you trust. The nokuratus of the forests beyond this one aren't as friendly. They might spare you because you are the bringer of life but I fear for your friends. " She looked around for emphasis.

" I do hope we have your protection in this forest," I mumbled meekly.

" Yes, you have my protection but I cannot help you once you continue your journey but I do know you'll create a better world for all. "

All of a sudden I was falling in and out of consciousness. I didn't get to see when Raeya turned to foggy form. I didn't feel the fog levitating me to my bed roll and I certainly didn't see Venerus watching me the whole time with a strange emotion clouding his eyes.

All I could feel was the pull of sleep, drawing me in its dark embrace. I couldn't fight it. I surrendered the moment I closed my eyes.

* * *

We continued our quest the following day. I had informed them about the dangers that lied in the forest we were heading into first thing in the morning. Eron and Ranthel didn't question me about my knowing of the dangers awaiting us but I could feel how unsatisfied they were.

Venerus still ignored me and despite how much I acted indifferent, my heart broke with his cold treatment. The silent Venerus was one I truly didn't like. I wanted the old Venerus back. The one who made me question my sanity. The one who made me feel things I've never felt before. Like the tingles in my stomach.

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