Chapter Twenty-one

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Waking up tangled up with Amanti was a great way to start the day. Yesterday had been glorious, sublime. When Chief Coyek gave Amanti his blessing to stay here I was deeply touched for some reason I couldn't quite understand.

I didn't know why his approval meant so much to me but it did. How happy I was yesterday and today and that happiness grew a tenfold waking up next to my beloved.

I was deprived of a lot of things in my life. For a long time I believed that happiness only belonged to everyone else but me. I already had the gift no one else had, needing a slice of happiness in my life had sounded very selfish.

Now I just wanted to live my life with the woman that I loved. I didn't think it was a lot to ask.

Yawning heartily, I started untangling myself from Amanti. As I made to move away from her so as to not wake her up an arm snaked around my waist halting me. I was pulled back into her warm chest.

I sighed into the crook of her neck taking in her lovely scent. She drew light patterns on the small of my back a smile arching up her lips. Then finally she opened her eyes. The eyes that never failed to captivate me every time I gazed deep into them.

Right then and there I knew that if I was smitted by the gods for loving her I'd undoubtedly die a happy woman.

" Moro, Mia avhi, " she murmured sleepily.

I pecked her lips then greeted her back.

" Morning my beautiful warrior," I said, smiling in content at the sight of my beloved. I thanked Calima for gifting me with this wonderful, breathtakingly ravishing warrior. My life had been incomplete without her by my side.

Even now I still thought I was stuck in some cruel dream preying on my weakness for this being. The thought of waking up was a torment knowing that she would be gone from my side.

But when I felt her nibble fingers curling around mine I knew that this was no dream. Mine heart was here to stay, with an endless ocean of love to share.

My love for her was stronger than ever before. I felt it in the rapid beatings of my heart whenever I felt her smouldering touch and the way she gazed at me. I felt it heavy in her every breath and the words that fell from her sweet lips.

I knew then that she was my world. She was my everything. We were tethered to one another. We were one. And if she perished from my life I would die.

" What is it that has caused that frown to pull on your face?" she asked tenderly, the hand that was not interlocked in mine tugging the few rebellious strands of my hair behind my ear.

" I do not ever want to be separated from you. I won't survive it if it happened again," l murmured sadly, taking comfort in her timid touches.

" Do not worry yourself my love. It will take the gods themselves to take me away from you," she reassured, leaning forward just to mould her lips with mine. Her kiss was confident and sure. It conveyed every bit of love, passion and desire she felt for me.

While I tried my hardest to keep up with her sensuous caresses I began to feel a bit of confidence as well.

Amanti was my first love. My first everything for that matter. It mortified me how I sometimes reacted to her advances. It was especially mortifying to lay helpless and bare as her eyes ravaged my body. Those times I couldn't help shying away from her and trying to take cover but she was quick to say I was beautiful and that I should not hide from her. That was enough for me to shed away the shell of embarrassment I felt.

" What about your people, Amanti?  Who will take care of them when you are here with me? " I asked as we broke from our kiss. Amanti had her forehead pressing gently against mine and her breaths mingling with mine.

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