I nod. "Thank you, Hiiro."


(Serene's POV)

Masamune turns to face us as he finishes his hum. He doesn't have a bad voice at all. I wonder if he has ever sung a song to Kara. I wonder why she even spent time with him like she did.

"I didn't think you all would issue a challenge," Masamune says, looking around at each of us. I am already in my form because Hiiro told me to transform beforehand to hide the fact Kara couldn't join us. Hiiro doesn't want Masamune to know about the pregnancy and I agree. He shouldn't know.

"We're going to get rid of the Kamen Rider Chronicle Gashat," Taiga states flatly.

"That is right. We're going to do that," I say, keeping my voice like Kara's. "I refuse to allow you to do anything else now, Masamune! Just give up!"

"Kara is right," Hiiro says, agreeing with me. "We refuse to allow you to do anything else from now on."

"We believe this is the fastest way to heal the patient," Kiriya comments.

"Wait...I didn't agree on destroying the Kamen Rider Chronicle Gashat!" Kuroto states and I turn to him. "What?"

"We're going to get rid of it so deal with it, Kuroto!" I turn back to face Masamune.

Hiiro looks at me and then at Masamune. "The patient's treatment comes first."

"Do you think you can beat me without Ex-Aid's help?" Masamune asks us. He does have a point. We're useless without Emu.

"It's Emu's fault!" Kuroto exclaims.

"Kuroto, let's not play the blame game right now," I order. "We don't have time to waste on that. We have a problem right now so let's deal with that first."

"I see. So, that is the fate he picked?" Masamune is still holding his umbrella. Why does he even need that? Who cares if it rains or the suns touches the skin?

"We don't have time to keep talking. Let's just begin."

"In accordance with the games' rules, new actors will be picked to play the roles you all currently have," Masamune announces. "You all have no value as a product now." He is looking at each one of us coldly. He must really dislike us right now.

He tosses his umbrella to the side and he pulls out his game, clicking on it. He transforms and everyone else follows suit. We have no time to waste.

Kuroto rushes at Masamune, trying to hit. I move forward too and Masamune knocks Kuroto back and he smacks me in the side. That's right...Kara's Gashat can't be used to beat Masamune.

"No you don't!" Hiiro says. Kuroto must have lost the Gashat to the air and Hiiro must have caught it.

I regain my composure and ready myself to attack Masamune.



"Where did he go?" Kiriya asks.

"It is only ten seconds in the end," Masamune states, rushing towards Hiiro.

"Hand me that!" Kuroto shouts, rushing towards Hiiro. He grabs the Gashat and I move in front of Hiiro, catching Masamune's hand.

"Move out of the way, AOE," he orders and he shoves me back. I land on the ground, landing on my feet. Wow, he is crazy strong!



I land on the ground, my transformation ending. Crap! This wasn't part of the plan!

"Our Drivers are gone," Hiiro says and I look down and look up, staring at Masamune. I am pretty sure my mouth is hanging open right now.

Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now