A change;

45 3 0

A merge of dark and pale blur

a simple, beautiful, in-descriptive word

a girl; 

a girl so pure, she stirred the seas upon her fingertips

she shook the very ground with an easy glance, 

she swayed the winds in which way she felt comfortable 

and I, 

I, a storm, intervened on her troubled aura 

and my, fists of hungry thunder, my heart a shipwreck, 

eyes lacking the lightening in which she would inflict 

sparks of fire ignite my body in her presence 

and she, with little effort 

brought calmness to my froth corrupted lungs-

took the poison from my hands,

brought the light into my world, became-

my world,

became my living, breathing, air

became the reason to live, the reason to care

took the rope from my hand and instead tied me down

to life and not

the everlasting wish to shut it down

brought sensation to my skin, 

made the freezing burn a thing, 

made me realize perhaps there was something more to win, 

that I had a chance;

a chance to begin 

somewhere far, far away from the constant ring

of hands that tortured my body, consumed my mind

took a way every chance to

break free from the black, consuming pool of

deep vindictive blood

she, who is I, and I,

who is she, 

created a small tear in what could have been

and from that, poured a long

epiphany of 

intense emotion; my analogy 

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