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The night was dark, as most nights were. The sky, a heavy cloud of possibility, or impossibility,  equally meaning the same thing. Nothing was certain in the blackness. One might dive in expecting the sea, but never finding the surface, or; crashing to the solid ground. I think that was us, I think, we were both capable of destroying one another, we handed over the keys to our hearts the very day we met. We sealed our destiny shut in one short and yet everlasting glance. 

Maybe I seen you and thought absolutely nothing of you. Because I seen you in a room that was black as that night sky, but I found, as time grew, my eyes could develop to the thought of you, just the mere thought. And suddenly that sky was set on fire with one single star, the sun, that was you. And God damn it, your fire ignited the universe. 

I realized this yesterday. When staring up at the absolute immeasurable beauty of exploding light, sparks of love flying before our very eyes. I seen how beautiful destruction was in the very moment before the oblivion came, in the brief second before it all blew to pieces. I seen us. I seen, how we could both die at the hands of one another, but it was that insignificant space between perfection and destruction that made our love come alive, and set those fireworks. It was the fact that we could break each other's hearts that made us invincible, we acknowledged that we were weak and it made us stronger. 

Nothing could break us if only we could break ourselves, nothing would stand between the day and night if we were the light. And we were, oh we shone so brightly- and unlike the beauty displayed before us, we would not burn out- No, we would glow so intensely the whole world would see, and admire. 

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