Chapter 23-

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Walking through the hallways back with her group gave Samantha some confidence even if her foot was wrapped. 

"It looked so insane. The whole... Like it was just crazy. He... He was just, like: shoo, shoo, shoo, shoot. And you were like, "Aah!" and I just hit like whoosh. It was so... Oh, my God." 

"I mean you saved me." 

"It was awesome." 

They stopped walking when they spotted Liz, Samantha grabbed Ned's shoulder and walked away. 

She stopped walking when she got a call on her phone. 

"Hello?" she answered. 

"Hey, come outside. I'm here waiting for you," Pepper told her on the ohone. "I've already checked you out." 

The call ended without a word. 

"I've got to go," she said at Ned, smiling before running towards the exit. 

"Pepper?" she asked when she slid into the car. 

"Come on, it's time for you and Tony to talk." 

The car started driving off and Samantha tensed hoping that Tony had good news and wasn't about to yell at her. 

Pepper led Samantha into a room where she handed her a dusty rose tank top and high waisted flowy pants. "Change," she said, smiling at the girl. 

Samantha came out in the outfit that she admitted looked fabulous on her.

"Pepper, what is all this for? " Samantha askd looking down at herslef, while exiting. When she looked up, she stood face to face with Tony Stark. "Oh..." 

"I'm sorry, Sammy. I doubted you, yelled at you, and insulted you. All things which I shouldn't of done," Tony apologized to the girl. 

"S'okay," she muttered, shrugging. 

"Not it's not. If it was you wouldn't have ignored me for a week and would look me in the face right now. I'm sorry, Sammy. I screwed up big time."

"It's okay, Uncle Tony," the girl said, running into his open arms and hugging him tightly. She cried on his shoulder for a while before she got confused on why she needed new clothes. 

"Wait, but why did I change?"

Before anyone could answer her question, Tony walked her into a room with Happy and Peter. 

"Oh, there they are," Tony said, strolling towards them. Samantha followed quietly. "How was the ride up?" 

"Good," Happy responded. 

"Give me a minute with the kids," Tony said. 

Samantha walked over and stood next to Peter, who seemedd as equally confused as her. 

"Seriously?" Happy asked. 

"Yeah. I gotta talk to them." 

"I'll be close behind." 

"How about a loose follow? All right? Boundaries are good." 

Tony punched Peter's shoulder, before wrapping an arm around his shoulder and walking with him and Samantha. 

"Sorry I took your suit. I mean you had it coming. Actually, it turns out it was the perfect tough-love moment that you both needed." Samantha rolled her eyes, noticing how much rougher Tony was having this conversation now that Peter was present. "To urge you on, right? Wouldn't you think? Don't you think?" 

"I guess," Peter muttered. 

"Let's just say it was."

"Mr. Stark, I really..." 

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