Chapter 20-

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Samantha closed her apartment door and threw her head back against it. She wanted to ask May to help her, but assumed Peter was in desperate need of help. 

With no dress and no family in her apartment, Samantha was feeling stressed about her options. 

She knew her mom was working a late shift and didn't want to call her for something as minor as a high school homecoming. Samantha thought about asking her brother, but wasn't sure that she could handle him meeting Flash. 

With a groan, she threw herself face down onto the couch. Faces flashed through her mind as she thought of anyone who could help her with this teenage nightmare. She never knew how hard it was being a regular high school student going to school events. 

Samantha suddenly remembered an option she had yet to think of, she quickly sat up, opening her bag to find her phone. 

Grabbing her phone she called the only person she could think of. "Pepper? I need your help." 


Pepper Potts rushed to pick Samantha up and ushered her into her awaiting car. 

"Step one, we definitely need to find you something to wear and quick."

They stopped at a boutique that Pepper swore by. The worker swept Samantha up in a swarm of dresses, someone chosen by the worker and others by Pepper. 

The first one Samantha tried on was so puffy that her entire body was lost in the dress. Pepper dismissed it immediately. 

The next dress had the weirdest long sleeves that consisted of three different materials. Samantha felt very uncomfortable in it and changed without showing anyone. 

Dress after dress, nothing seemed just right. Some were too inappropriate for school dances, many just covered Samantha's small body, and none of them felt right to the girl in them. Samantha was beginning to give up, when Pepper shoved another three dresses into the changing room, all of them black. 

"After this I'm done, okay?" Samantha said with sigh. 

"No problem, I'm pretty sure one of those will be the dress." 

Samantha tried the first dress and walked out to show Pepper. Pepper's bright smile, lifted her heart, hoping that she had finally found the dress. 

"Yeah?" Samantha asked smiling with a blush on her cheeks. 

"Look," Pepper said, gesturing the girl to the mirror. 

Samantha turned around and walked towards the full length mirror. 

"Whoa... I look good. I look," she stumbled trying to find an adjective. 

"Beautiful, Sammy. You look beautiful," Pepper said leaning her head on the girls shoulder. 

Samantha smiled at Pepper's reflection in the mirror, feeling excited for the dance. 

"So, what did you want to do with your hair?" Pepper asked her, shooing her back into the changing room.

"I was thinking that with some love and care, I could leave it natural," Samantha suggested through the curtain. 

"Anywhere in mind you want to go to get that or your makeup done?" 

"Uh, I know a place for my hair that my mom takes me to, but I'm not really sure for makeup. Your guess is as good as mine," Samantha stepped out of the changing room with the dress on her arm. 

"Okay, let's pay for this and head out." 

They drove to the salon where Samantha had her hair deep conditioned and taken care of for the first time in a long time. 

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