Chapter 19-

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Samantha wanted nothing more than to go to Peter's and cry on his shoulder. She couldn't convince herself it was a good idea after Tony's last comment. Instead she unlocked her apartment door and locked herself in her room, ignoring Jody on the couch. 

She collapsed onto her bed and an entirely new set of tears started. 

Pathetic, she thought to herself. I can't even stop crying. 

She wished that she could disprove everything Tony had thrown at her, but there was a small amount of truth to all of his words. 

Throwing a stuffed animal at the wall with a scream of frustration allowed her to relax. She collapsed her head onto her pillow and drifted of to sleep. 


The next day at school, Samantha avoided Peter like the plague. She stuck to Michelle's side and spoke only when absolutely necessary, reverting back to her normal closed off self. 

Samantha didn't blame Peter, no she blamed herself for Peter getting caught. She thought that if Peter had stopped her from coming along, Tony would not be as mad at the boy and would have let him keep his suit. No, in her mind, it was all her fault. 

It continued this way for days. Samantha became the number one student speaking to no one other than her teachers and best friend, MJ and Peter followed as the more outspoken runner up. 

MJ didn't question her friends shunning of the boys and assumed that if Samantha wanted to talk about it then she eventually would. 

Ned had tried to talk to Samantha on numerous occasions- as she appeared to not avoid him as well as Peter-, but she always cut him off with a lame excuse before hurrying away. 

Seeing the boys walk in her direction, Samantha quickly hid behind MJ. 

"Okay. I've had enough. Either you tell me why I should hide you or I call them over here," Michelle said giving her ultimatum.

Samantha stared at her friend with her jaw hanging in suspension, unable to react.

"Hey, gu..." she started before Samantha quickly covered her mouth. 

"Okay, okay. Come on. I'll tell you in the library."  

Samantha fell into a library chair, while Michelle calmly sat in it. 

"So..." she pushed her friend. 

"Peter did have a Stark internship. I met him there one day when visiting my uncle, that's how we got so close. But we kind of destroyed something and Tony got so mad. So mad that I lost Peter his internship," Samantha said half-truthfully. She was looking at her hands and her stomach filled with remorse. 

"Does Peter blame you? Because I'll beat him up..."

"No, no, no. I'm not sure how he feels. Tony sent him home immediately and made me stay to talk after. I haven't talked to him since, but I know it was my fault and I just don't want to hear Peter be angry with me," Samantha said with her voice getting softer. 

Michelle stared at her friend before grabbing her hand. "It'll be okay. Peter's a nice guy; he'd never be mad at you for something that you didn't do on purpose." 

The girls shared smiles before Samantha gave Michelle a quick hug. 

"Just so you know, I think you should talk to Peter." 

"I will..." 

"Soon." MJ said, leaving no room for argument. 

Samantha nodded her head. 


Samantha was walking around school deciding that today would be the day when she talks to Peter. She was absorbed into her mind so she could plan what she would tell the boy. 

Walking through the halls with a hall pass during her fifth period, she made her way towards where she told Peter to meet her. She had built up the courage to talk to him and wanted to act quickly. 

On the way, Samantha bumped into Flash Thompson.

"Oh, sorry," she said, rushing to move around him. 

"Hey, Samantha. Can I talk to you real quick?" 

"Uh... I'm kind of busy, but walk with me and sure," she said, slowing her pace to normal so Flash could walk next to her. "What's up?"

"Well, I was wondering if you were going to Homecoming?" Flash asked the girl softly, causing Samantha to freeze. 

"Oh, um, I'm not sure." 

"Oh, okay... Well, if you are, would you like to go with me?" Flash rushed out. 

There was a silence before Samantha broke it. 

"You're asking me to homecoming?" 

"Well, yeah..." 

"Why? I thought you didn't like people like Peter and me?" 

"No, no... it's um," he mumbled something that Samantha couldn't hear. 

"What?" she asked. 

"It's just you always liked Peter so much that you never noticed me. I was just jealous," Flash said, rubbing the back of his neck. 

Samantha froze, she had been hoping that after making up with Peter he would ask her to the dance and she wasn't sure what to tell the boy. 

"Look, Flash..." she started softly. She stopped when she got a text on her phone and quickly read it. 

Going to homecoming with Liz! Peter had sent her. 

Dropping her arm, Samantha looked up at Flash. 

"Yeah, I'd love to go with you," she said softly, attempting to cover the hurt in her voice. She assumed she did a good job as Flash failed to notice. 

"Awesome, I can't wait!" Flash said with a big smile. "Well, I gotta get back to class." And like that Flash was gone from Samantha's sight. 

"Oh there you are," Peter said jogging up to Samantha. 

"Here I am," she said softly, shrugging her shoulders. 

"What did you want to talk about?" he asked her with a big smile. 

"I just wanted to apologize for getting you in trouble with Tony and getting your suit taken away." 

"That wasn't your fault, Sammy. I don't blame you," he said. "It doesn't even matter now that I get to take Liz to homecoming." 

"Oh yeah, congrats," Samantha said, offering the boy a fake smile. She felt her heart drop with his words. 

"Thanks. Well, it that was all then I'll see you later," he said waving at Samantha before running back in the direction of her class.

Her feet remained in the same position even as her friend was long gone. The girl's eyes were unfocused as she fought to keep them clear. Finally winning the fight, she let out a deep sigh and walked back to her classroom. 

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