Chapter 18-

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"Get out of the way, get out of the way," Peter yelled at the FBI officers. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! No."

Everyone dodged a blast from the bird.

"Look out, look out, look out. Move, move, move!" Peter said, grabbing the FBI and moving them safely out of the way. Samantha followed Peter, pushing an officer off to the side and out of the way of the oncoming Vulture.

A car flew from the car port and Vulture followed closely, rising into the air above the main deck. He loaded up a blast and shot loosely at the boat.

"Get to the top deck," Vulture order his men. "we're getting out of here."

Peter tried to web the guy from the bridge, but Vulture shot at his web breaking it.

"I've got bridge guy," Samantha said running up after him. "Karen, how do I stop him?" she shouted when she saw him in the hallway.

"Activating Taser Drone." A drone flew off of Samantha's suit and attached itself to the man, tasering him at the stop of the staircase, allowing Samantha to catch up to him.

"Thanks, Karen," Samantha said. Bridge guy started standing up and Samantha hurried to straddle him and punch him in the jaw, but the guy was able to easily stand up. Samantha spun her leg on the ground, tripping him causing him to land on her before they both fell down a dew steps of the stairs.

Samantha punched him one more and kicked him in the chest sending him flailing on the ground. She took a deep breath relaxing, when an explosion cut the boat in half.

"Peter," she said looking up. Forgetting about the guy, she ran down the stairs back to her friend.

Samantha slid up next to Peter, relieved that her friend was okay, to then see the water bursting through the floor of the car port.

"Oh, my God. What do I do? Karen... uh, give me an x-ray of the boat and target all the strongest points. Sammy, get everyone out of the way of the middle."

Samantha nodded at Peter before running back up the stairs.

"Move away from the edge!" Samantha shouted at some people peering over at the other half of the ship. "Get against the wall," she ordered everyone and thankfully everyone listened to her.

Samantha finished all the levels, when Peter had successfully securing the two halves together.

"Great job, Peter. You were 98 percent successful," Karen said, causing Samantha to tense as she realized what that meant.


"Yeah, Spider-Man" A man started cheering on the level Samantha currently occupied.

"No, no, stay still," She shouted, but it was too late.

The webs began snapping.

"No, no, no," she heard Peter mutter. Water rushed back into the ferry and the sides began pulling away from each other once again.

"No!" Peter screamed, shooting webs at both sides of the ferry and attempting to pull the ferry together with his own strength.

Suddenly, the two sides of the ferry started moving together. "What the hell?" Samantha heard Peter ask.

Peter fell onto the same level as Samantha and she walked over to him as the two sides moved closer together. "What the hell?"

"Hi, Spider-Man," said Iron Man who was staring directly at Samantha and Peter.

Samantha attempted to shrink behind Peter, but knew it was pointless.

"Band practice, was it?"

A Twisted Intuition (Peter Parker) | EditingWhere stories live. Discover now