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The television flashed against the pitch black room. On the couch sat a girl on her laptop writing a paper. Her mind focused on her work paying no mind to the television. 

"Breaking News: Captain America refused to adhere to the terms set forth for heroes and is now on the run with the villain, the Winter Solider." Samantha's fingers freeze on her keyboard as she looks up to see her second favorite hero plastered on the screen as a bad guy. 

Her throat clenches and she hurridely pushes her laptop onto the couch, running to the kitchen counter to grab her phone.

"Pick up pick up...," She's muttering into the phone as she hears the dial tone.

"Hello?" asked a heavy voice. 

She froze in happy shock that he was okay, at least okay enough to take her phone call. 

"Sammy? Are you there? Are you okay, Sammy?" he asked, sounding a little worried. 

Samantha took a deep breath before replying. 

"I'm okay, Uncle Sam. I just saw the new's about Cap and wanted to make sure you're okay," she spoke softly into the phone. 

"Everything's fine, Sammy. Don't worry about it, okay? I'll be fine and home to visit you in no time." 


"I promise, little bean," he said lovingly. "Where's your brother and mom?"

"Mom's working the night shift at the hospital and Jody went out... again." 

"He left you home alone again?" Sam asked with a strain in his voice. 

"Well yeah, but Sam I'm fourteen. I'm old enough to be home alone." 

"No, Sammy. You're 14 and your brother is 17. He should be making sure you're safe and not going out and making dumb decisions."

Samantha sighed, knowing her uncle wanted the best for them, but also not wanting to hold her brother back. 

"Have you seen our new hero?" She asked changing the subject. 

"What do you mean new hero?" Sam asked intrigues, but also a little worried about why his niece's city needed a hero. 

"He's been in the news recently, he wears red and blue..." her voice cut off as she heard someone talking to Sam. 

"Sammy," he said softly. 

"It's okay, I know." 

"I'm sorry, I really am. I'll see you soon I promise. I love you," he said sorrowfully. 

"I love you too, Uncle Sam. Bye..." 


And as quick as that, her conversation with her favorite uncle was over. She knew her uncle wouldn't be able to keep that promise, but she didn't tell him that.

Samantha sighed at the blank phone in her hand. She walked over to her bedroom door and let her Seychelles Kestrel falcon fly into the living room with her. 

"Hey, girl. Looks like it's just me and you tonight," she said as she gently rubbed her knuckles along Arrow's head. 

Samantha regained her place on the couch. Before she started her homework, she caught a glimpse of the new hero in her city, Spider-man. She smiled feeling safer even with the figure on t.v. and went back to writing her essay. 

A Twisted Intuition (Peter Parker) | EditingМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя